Courtney Stodden flushes engagement ring from ex Chris Sheng

Courtney Stodden flushes engagement ring from ex Chris Sheng

Courtney Stodden is making a bold statement by flushing away the past, quite literally. The 29-year-old model and reality TV star recently shared a video obtained by TMZ, where they are seen discarding their five-carat engagement ring from ex-fiancé Chris Sheng down the toilet. This dramatic gesture marks a significant step in Stodden’s journey to move on from their previous relationship.

In the video, Stodden, who identifies as non-binary and uses they/them pronouns, is seen in their bathroom, holding the massive diamond ring. “Just doing a little last-minute spring cleaning before summer,” they said, before walking towards the toilet. With a deep sigh, they dropped the ring into the bowl and flushed it away, saying, “I guess diamonds aren’t always a girl’s best friend after all.” They then added, “Onto the next chapter,” signaling a fresh start.

Stodden’s decision to flush the ring was inspired by a scene from James Cameron’s Titanic. “Like the little old lady who dropped it into the ocean in the end, I needed to rid myself of any remnants from the past that no longer had any hold on me. Rose’s character taught me something special – what a woman does with her diamonds is her prerogative,” Stodden explained to TMZ.

The breakup between Stodden and Sheng, a 44-year-old filmmaker, was confirmed in July 2023. The couple had been engaged for two years, having started dating in 2017. Stodden announced their engagement in 2021 with a now-deleted Instagram post, expressing their excitement over the beautiful ring. Sheng also shared his joy at the time, highlighting the growth and unconditional love they had experienced together.

However, the relationship eventually soured, with sources citing jealousy and insecurities as contributing factors to their split. Stodden’s representative confirmed the breakup to Page Six, stating, “Courtney is now a single woman. She is looking forward to telling her story.”

Before their relationship with Sheng, Stodden was married to actor Doug Hutchison. The controversial marriage took place in 2011 when Stodden was just 16 years old, and Hutchison was 51. The couple separated in 2016, and their divorce was finalized in 2020. During this period, Stodden began dating Sheng, and despite initial reservations about opening up and trusting again, they found love once more.

Stodden’s journey has been marked by significant personal growth and resilience. They have openly shared their struggles and triumphs, including a recent miscarriage with their current partner, Emmy Award-winning producer Jared Safier. Stodden and Safier began dating in the summer of 2023, and their relationship is reportedly moving very fast and is very serious. Safier has been ring shopping and is hoping to propose soon, according to TMZ.

Stodden’s decision to flush the engagement ring symbolizes a powerful act of letting go and embracing new beginnings. It reflects their determination to move forward and leave behind any remnants of a past that no longer serves them. As they embark on this new chapter, Stodden continues to inspire others with their strength and resilience.

The video of Stodden flushing the ring has garnered significant attention, with many applauding their bold move. It serves as a reminder that sometimes, letting go of the past is necessary to make room for new opportunities and growth. For Stodden, this act of flushing away the engagement ring is not just about discarding a piece of jewelry but about reclaiming their power and moving forward with confidence.

As Stodden continues to navigate their journey, they remain a beacon of strength and resilience for many. Their story is a testament to the power of self-love and the importance of letting go of what no longer serves us. With a new chapter on the horizon, Stodden is ready to embrace the future with open arms.

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