Crime of Catalina: Néstor Soto “is in shock and remorseful,” his defense stated from his cell in Bouwer.

Crime of Catalina: Néstor Soto “is in shock and remorseful,” his defense stated from his cell in Bouwer.

Néstor Aguilar Soto is the sole suspect in the murder of Catalina Gutierrez. According to his defense lawyer, Gastón Schonfeld, Soto is “in a state of shock and deeply remorseful.” The architecture student has not yet made a formal statement, and his lawyer has limited his comments due to the confidentiality of the case and professional discretion.

During a recent meeting with the deputy prosecutor, there was talk of a potential change in the classification of the case, which is currently categorized as simple homicide. Schonfeld indicated in an interview with radio Suquía that “until Soto makes a declaration, they cannot provide further details regarding his possible involvement in the crime.”

Soto’s family has traveled from Córdoba to visit him. His mother and foster father came from Bariloche after learning that their son, a fifth-year architecture student, is detained in Bouwer for the murder of Catalina, as explained by his legal representative.

Néstor Soto does not have any significant prior criminal records related to this charge. In the coming days, a summons is expected to be issued for him to provide a formal statement regarding the events.


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