Dakota Johnson Allegedly Wants to Postpone Wedding to Chris Martin

Dakota Johnson Allegedly Wants to Postpone Wedding to Chris Martin

Dakota Johnson Allegedly Wants to Postpone Wedding to Chris Martin

Rumors are swirling around Hollywood’s beloved bohemian couple, Dakota Johnson and Chris Martin. Speculation suggests that the pair, who have been together for seven years and engaged for four, might be calling it quits. However, insiders reveal that Johnson is merely experiencing “cold feet” about her upcoming wedding to the Coldplay frontman. Contrary to popular belief, this hesitation has nothing to do with Martin’s famous ex, Gwyneth Paltrow.

According to sources, Johnson is uncertain about marriage despite her love for Martin. “Dakota has gotten cold feet. She loves Chris, but she’s still not sure about marriage. She’s seen too many of them end in divorce. Her mother, Melanie Griffith, has been married three times, and her father, Don Johnson, got hitched twice, so she’s hesitant to take the plunge herself. She’s not a runaway bride — she’s just not sure marriage is for her,” an insider shared with In Touch.

The hesitation doesn’t seem to stem from any drama involving Paltrow, despite what some gossip might suggest. “Gwyneth really is trying to take over,” another insider mentioned. “Dakota likes Gwyneth, but her obsession with them getting married is too much. She’s coming up with ideas for the ceremony, color themes, locations, even the guest list. It’s exhausting, and one more reason Dakota wants to postpone the wedding.”

While Paltrow has reportedly been enthusiastic about helping her ex and Johnson plan their wedding, this doesn’t appear to be the main reason behind Johnson’s reluctance. The two women share a cordial relationship, often vacationing together and hosting joint family dinners. “They even all hang out as one unit, travel, and have big dinners together when they can. It’s a healthy dynamic,” a previous source noted.

Given her parents’ history, it’s understandable why Johnson might want to take her time deciding if married life is for her. Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson first married in 1976 but divorced six months later. They remarried in 1989, welcomed Dakota that same year, and divorced again in 1996.

So, while Johnson might be holding off on wedding plans for now, it’s clear that her reasons are more personal and thoughtful rather than driven by tabloid drama. As the couple navigates this uncertain phase, fans remain hopeful that the two will find a way to make things work — Goop wedding or not.

Sources also claim that Paltrow’s involvement has been a point of contention. “Dakota is grateful she and Gwyneth have a good relationship and she’s happy to get her advice, but the downside is that Gwyneth tends to take over,” an insider spilled to the National Enquirer. “She’s very bossy and when you give her an inch, she takes a mile!”

Johnson reportedly wants less input from Paltrow and more from her mother, Melanie Griffith. “Dakota and her mom have been dreaming about this since she was little,” the source noted. “She has very clear ideas of how she wants her wedding.”

Another source revealed that Paltrow is already butting heads with Johnson’s wedding planner because she’s trying to turn it into a Goop-themed wedding, which is not what Johnson wants. The couple, who started dating in 2017, got engaged in 2020 and moved into a Malibu mansion together in 2021.

Despite the ongoing speculation, it’s evident that Johnson’s hesitation is rooted in her personal experiences and thoughtful consideration rather than external pressures. As fans continue to watch this love story unfold, they remain hopeful that Johnson and Martin will find a way to navigate this uncertain phase and eventually tie the knot.

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