Dame Dash Offers To Sell His Roc-A-Fella Shares To Kendrick Lamar

Dame Dash Offers To Sell His Roc-A-Fella Shares To Kendrick Lamar

Dame Dash Offers To Sell His Roc-A-Fella Shares To Kendrick Lamar

In a surprising turn of events, Dame Dash has made headlines by offering to sell his shares of Roc-A-Fella Records to none other than Kendrick Lamar. This unexpected move comes amidst a legal battle that has already seen Jay-Z stepping in to prevent the sale of Dash’s shares.

The drama began when a judge ordered Dame Dash to sell his shares of Roc-A-Fella Records. This decision was made after Dash allegedly failed to pay a substantial $823,000 judgment to movie producer Josh Weber, related to their 2016 film collaboration, Dear Frank. The court’s ruling has set off a chain reaction, leading to a high-stakes battle over ownership rights.

Jay-Z and Kareem “Biggs” Burke, co-founders of Roc-A-Fella, have voiced their objections to the sale. They argue that the company’s bylaws require board approval for any major sell-offs. However, U.S. Magistrate Robert W. Lehrburger ruled that Dash’s one-third ownership of Roc-A-Fella could be seized to cover the judgment, as it constitutes his personal property.

Lehrburger’s 15-page decision criticized Jay-Z and Biggs for creating a no-sell clause during a 2021 board meeting, which Dame Dash neither attended nor voted for. The ruling left Roc-A-Fella with no choice but to deliver Dash’s stock certificate to the U.S. Marshals Service for auction within 180 days.

Jay-Z and Biggs’ objections are not just about loyalty to Dame Dash. They are concerned about the potential acquisition of Roc-A-Fella’s intellectual rights by an outsider. Lehrburger suggested that they could participate in the auction and place the winning bid to retain control.

Dame Dash’s legal troubles trace back to the film Dear Frank. Initially asked to direct the movie, he was later removed from the project due to alleged incompetence. Lawsuits followed, with movie producer Josh Weber and Muddy Water Pictures claiming copyright infringement and defamation. Dash maintained that they shot the film at his home using his equipment, only for them to proceed without him.

In a bold move, Dame Dash has now offered to sell his shares to Kendrick Lamar, a prominent figure in the hip-hop industry. This offer has added a new layer of intrigue to the ongoing saga. Kendrick Lamar, known for his artistic prowess and business acumen, could bring a fresh perspective to Roc-A-Fella if he decides to take up Dash’s offer.

The potential sale to Kendrick Lamar has sparked discussions within the music industry. Many are curious about how this move could impact Roc-A-Fella’s future. Kendrick Lamar’s involvement could bring new energy and direction to the iconic label, which has been a powerhouse in the music industry for years.

As the auction date approaches, all eyes are on Kendrick Lamar to see if he will seize this unique opportunity. Jay-Z and Biggs may also be preparing to place their bids to ensure that Roc-A-Fella remains under their control. The outcome of this auction could significantly shape the future of the label.

In this high-stakes battle, Roc-A-Fella’s legacy hangs in the balance. Will Dame Dash’s shares find a new home with Kendrick Lamar, or will Jay-Z’s intervention tip the scales? The music industry is watching closely, and only time will reveal the final outcome.

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