DC Studios Co-Head James Gunn Reveals Truth About Batman Casting Rumors

DC Studios Co-Head James Gunn Reveals Truth About Batman Casting Rumors

DC Studios Co-Head James Gunn Reveals Truth About Batman Casting Rumors

James Gunn, co-head of DC Studios, has once again taken to social media to debunk the latest rumors surrounding the casting of Batman in the DC Universe. Recently, speculation emerged suggesting that Gunn and his team might have already chosen an actor to don the iconic cape and cowl. However, Gunn was quick to set the record straight.

“No. We haven’t even begun casting for the DCU Batman,” Gunn clarified on Threads this past Saturday. This statement came as a relief to many fans who were concerned about the authenticity of the circulating rumors.

In the same thread, Gunn addressed another topic that has been a point of curiosity for fans: the age difference between Batman and Superman. When asked if Bruce Wayne would be just a couple of years older than Clark Kent, Gunn responded, “I’m pretty sure I didn’t say that. What I said was Bruce ‘could be’ a couple years older than Clark. All I meant was I wasn’t tied to Bruce and Clark being the exact same age.”

Gunn also provided an update on the much-anticipated sequel to Matt Reeves’ The Batman. When asked if the script for The Batman 2 was in progress, Gunn confirmed, “yes.” As for when the script would be ready, Gunn added, “When Matt thinks it’s ready!”

The Brave and the Bold, based on Grant Morrison’s Batman run, will introduce the DCU’s Batman and the Bat-family. This new iteration will exist separately from Robert Pattinson’s Batman in the Matt Reeves films. Andy Muschietti, known for directing The Flash, is set to direct, and the studio is currently in search of a writer.

“This is the introduction of the DCU Batman, Bruce Wayne, and also introducing our favorite Robin, Damian Wayne, who is a little son of a bitch assassin murderer,” Gunn previously mentioned during a DCU presentation. He described the film as “a very strange father/son story” about Batman and Damian Wayne, who was unknown to Batman for the first 8-10 years of his life.

In addition to these updates, Gunn confirmed that Matt Reeves is not only working on expanding his The Batman universe but is also developing a series set within the new DC Universe. When asked if Reeves was working on more projects in the “Batverse” aside from The Batman: Part II, the Penguin series, and the Arkham series, Gunn replied, “Right now Matt is producing Arkham as a DCU series, so there’s just the two for now.”

Gunn further clarified that the Arkham series was always intended to be part of the DCU and not an Elseworlds project, which includes alternate universe stories like Reeves’ The Batman and Todd Phillips’ Joker: Folie à Deux. “It was one of the first pitches we bought when Peter and I came onboard. I don’t know the permutations it went through before that time,” Gunn said of the Arkham series.

In the Batman universe, Arkham refers to the Arkham Asylum, the fictional psychiatric hospital/prison where some of Batman’s most notorious foes are housed. This new series is expected to delve deeper into the dark and twisted world of Gotham’s most infamous villains.

Gunn’s active engagement with fans on social media has been a hallmark of his tenure at DC Studios. His willingness to address rumors and provide updates directly has helped maintain transparency and build trust with the fanbase. As the DC Universe continues to evolve under his and Peter Safran’s leadership, fans can look forward to more exciting developments and clarifications straight from the source.

While the casting of the new Batman remains a mystery, Gunn’s updates have provided a clearer picture of what to expect in the coming years. With projects like The Brave and the Bold and the Arkham series in the pipeline, the future of the DC Universe looks promising and filled with potential.

As always, fans are encouraged to stay tuned for more updates from Gunn and the DC Studios team. With so many exciting projects on the horizon, the world of DC is set to expand in new and thrilling ways.

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