Details Revealed: How  Billion Was Allegedly Given to Iván Name and Andrés Calle

Details Revealed: How $4 Billion Was Allegedly Given to Iván Name and Andrés Calle

In the lead-up to the indictment hearing for Sneyder Pinilla, a former deputy director at Colombia’s National Unit for Disaster Risk Management (Ungrd), new details emerged regarding the alleged route he took to deliver approximately 4 billion pesos to former Senate President Iván Name and former House President Andrés Calle.

A report from Noticias Caracol disclosed that on the night of July 24, 2023, it was revealed how Pinilla had coordinated the distribution of state funds to these two congressmen. This was allegedly done under the direction of his former boss, Olmedo López, who was the director of Ungrd. The money was supposedly a payoff for their help in advancing governmental reforms within the legislative framework.

According to the investigation, Pinilla executed the operation over three days, beginning with Name and later Calle. With assistance from former regional counselor Sandra Ortiz, he allegedly booked a suite at a well-known hotel in Bogotá where arrangements were made to deliver the funds secretly.

On September 26, 2023, just weeks before regional elections, López ordered Pinilla to deliver hefty kickbacks to the then-presidents of the Senate and the House, taking advantage of the declared economic, social, and ecological emergency in La Guajira. When Pinilla questioned the source of the funds, López reminded him that they came from 700 billion pesos previously allocated by Finance Minister Ricardo Bonilla to the Ungrd, which included 100 billion for purchasing water tankers for La Guajira.

Supporting Pinilla in this operation were Pedro Rodríguez, López’s legal advisor, and Luis Carlos Barreto, the deputy director of knowledge, who facilitated discussions about the crisis caused by the El Niño phenomenon. As the head of emergency response, Pinilla was well-positioned to manage these funds.

The first installment of the agreed payoff reportedly went to Name, beginning on October 11, 2023, and concluding two days later on October 13. This transaction was carried out discreetly in two tranches of 1.5 billion pesos each to avoid raising suspicion, including moving out of sight from security cameras.

According to Pinilla’s sworn testimony, on the evening of October 11, he was handed the first portion of the 3 billion pesos earmarked for Name. The next day, Pinilla and López went to Hotel Tequendama Suites, a location chosen by Ortiz to facilitate the encounter.

Pinilla described arriving at the hotel at 3:30 PM, entering discreetly through the parking garage, and heading to the hall while carrying a black suitcase filled with bundles of cash. They were then taken to room 2312 via the elevator. The footage from Noticias Caracol showcased the suite, indicating it had a dining area, comfortable seating, and a desk, with a king-size bed offering a street view.

After leaving the suitcase in the room, Pinilla departed, while López and Ortiz stayed behind to count the money and ensure the total matched the agreed amount – proceeds from a substantial contract for emergency vehicles, totaling 46.8 billion pesos. Once verified, López instructed Pinilla to deliver the remaining 1.5 billion pesos intended for Name.

Later that same day, Pinilla accompanied Ortiz to Name’s residence in Bogotá, using a service elevator to avoid detection. Their discreet travel and the names they used for their operation indicated a calculated effort to mask the bribery as a “job appointment.”

A notable detail from the investigation was Pinilla’s request to his driver for a black suitcase to carry the cash, showing his intent to conceal the transaction, even negotiating over the price of the suitcase to ensure no signs linked it to a bribe.

On October 13, Pinilla revisited Bogotá’s Plaza España parking lot to collect the first half of the remaining cash. Following two stops, including a café, he retrieved the full amount just hours later, coordinating with Ortiz for the next meeting at the hotel.

Finally, during the third day of this scheme, Pinilla was to deliver 1 billion pesos to Calle, who was attending to business in Montería. Pinilla utilized a community event as a cover for this final, concealed transaction on October 14, following communication with Calle about their meeting spot.

This sequence of events underscores the intricate planning and operation allegedly orchestrated by Pinilla, with significant implications for the Colombian political landscape as the investigation unfolds.

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