Did Trump Admire Will and Grace Star Debra Messing

Did Trump Admire Will and Grace Star Debra Messing

A new book titled “Apprentice in Wonderland” by Ramin Setoodeh has shed light on Donald Trump’s days on the television series “The Apprentice.” One of the intriguing revelations in the book is Trump’s apparent admiration for “Will & Grace” star Debra Messing. According to Setoodeh, Trump was quite taken with Messing when their shows aired back-to-back on NBC.

Setoodeh recounts an incident where Trump described an encounter with Messing. Trump is quoted saying, “She came up to me with her beautiful red hair and said, ‘Sir – I love you. Thank God for you. You’re saving the network, and you’re saving my show.'” This admiration, however, took a sharp turn when Trump became president, as Messing emerged as one of his most vocal critics.

In 2017, “Will & Grace” dedicated an entire episode to mocking Trump, even comparing his skin color to Cheetos. Setoodeh notes that Trump was deeply upset by Messing’s criticism. “He is very, very upset that Debra Messing criticized him as president of the United States,” Setoodeh told Inside Edition. He added that Trump felt Messing should have shown loyalty to him because their shows were on the same night.

Setoodeh, who is the co-editor-in-chief of Variety, interviewed Trump six times since he left the White House. He observed that Trump’s favorite topic remains “The Apprentice.” The author also mentioned that Trump is approaching the selection of his running mate for the next election as if it were a task from “The Apprentice.” Trump is reportedly looking for a “yes” person who will look good on camera and complement him without overshadowing him.

Setoodeh compared Ohio Senator JD Vance to Bill Rancic, the winner of the first season of “The Apprentice.” He noted that Trump appreciated Vance’s unwavering support and positive publicity for the Trump administration. On the other hand, Setoodeh described Vivek Ramaswamy as “too over the top” for Trump, suggesting that Trump wouldn’t want someone who might steal the spotlight.

Setoodeh believes that North Carolina’s Tim Scott could be a potential running mate for Trump. “What Donald Trump loves is keeping people guessing, and this could be a wild card pick for him,” Setoodeh said. He speculated that Trump might opt for a younger Black candidate to round out the ticket, given that his previous vice president was an older white man.

The book “Apprentice in Wonderland” is now available for purchase. A spokesperson for the Trump campaign dismissed Setoodeh’s claims, stating that the author has “allowed Trump derangement syndrome to rot his brain.”

In his book, Setoodeh delves into Trump’s reality TV career, which transformed him from a failed casino owner and real-estate developer into a television star. Setoodeh interviewed Trump multiple times between 2021 and 2023 and spoke to various industry professionals and celebrities connected to “The Apprentice.”

Trump’s first Emmy nomination is a significant moment in the book. He recalls receiving the news from his producing partner, Mark Burnett, who congratulated him on the nomination. Trump believed he deserved to win, given the high ratings of “The Apprentice.” However, the award went to “The Amazing Race,” much to Trump’s disappointment.

Trump’s obsession with Debra Messing is another focal point. He vividly remembers meeting her during the upfronts, an annual presentation where networks showcase their stars to advertisers. Trump recalls Messing’s gratitude for his show’s success, which she believed helped her own show. However, Trump’s admiration turned to bewilderment as Messing became one of his harshest critics during his presidency.

Trump’s fascination with Messing’s red hair and her effusive praise left a lasting impression on him. He expressed disbelief at the contrast between her past admiration and her current criticism. This dichotomy between Trump’s past interactions with celebrities and their later criticism is a recurring theme in Setoodeh’s book.

“Apprentice in Wonderland” offers a detailed look at Trump’s reality TV career and his complex relationships with Hollywood celebrities. The book provides insights into Trump’s personality, his admiration for certain stars, and his reaction to their subsequent criticism.

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