Diddy Once Confronted Suge Knight With Guns Ex-Bodyguard Alleges

Diddy Once Confronted Suge Knight With Guns Ex-Bodyguard Alleges

Diddy Once Confronted Suge Knight With Guns Ex-Bodyguard Alleges

In a recent interview with VladTV, Roger Bonds, a former bodyguard for Diddy, recounted a tense encounter between the music mogul and Suge Knight that allegedly almost turned violent in 2010. According to Bonds, the incident began with a late-night visit to Mel’s Diner, where Diddy’s crew unexpectedly ran into the former Death Row CEO.

Bonds explained that Diddy often sent his assistant, David, to fetch takeout in the middle of the night. On the night in question, David, accompanied by another security guard named D-Roc, went to Mel’s Diner and spotted Knight. They quickly informed Diddy about Knight’s presence, prompting the Bad Boy Records founder to allegedly gather his crew and head to the diner.

“When D-Roc opened up his door, Suge opened up his door, and they were facing each other,” Bonds claimed. “Meanwhile, the assistant slipped off to the side and called Puff, saying ‘Yo, D-Roc and them got a problem.'” Upon hearing this, Diddy allegedly armed himself and headed to the diner, declaring, “Let’s end this sh*t right now.” However, his crew managed to convince him to leave the scene instead.

This isn’t the only shocking claim involving Diddy and Suge Knight that has surfaced recently. Last week, a former detective alleged that Diddy once ordered a $1 million hit on both Knight and 2Pac, with Duane “Keefe D” Davis purportedly agreeing to carry out the hit. Allegedly, Diddy told a room full of “crips” that he wanted the duo’s “heads.”

These allegations add to the already complex and controversial history between Diddy and Suge Knight. Their rivalry has been well-documented, with both men often finding themselves at the center of hip-hop’s most notorious feuds. The recent claims by Bonds and the former detective only serve to further complicate the narrative surrounding these two influential figures in the music industry.

Roger Bonds’ account of the alleged run-in at Mel’s Diner paints a picture of a volatile and potentially dangerous situation. The fact that Diddy allegedly armed himself and was ready to confront Knight suggests that the animosity between the two was far from just a public spectacle. It also raises questions about the lengths to which Diddy was willing to go to protect his reputation and assert his dominance in the industry.

The allegations of a $1 million hit on Knight and 2Pac add another layer of intrigue to the story. If true, it would indicate that Diddy was not only willing to engage in physical confrontations but also to orchestrate violent acts behind the scenes. This paints a much darker picture of the mogul, who has often been seen as a savvy businessman and a key player in the rise of hip-hop culture.

As these claims continue to surface, they contribute to a growing narrative that challenges the public perception of Diddy. While he has undoubtedly played a significant role in shaping the music industry, these allegations suggest that his methods may have been far more ruthless and aggressive than previously thought.

The recent arrest of Duane “Keefe D” Davis in connection with the murder of Tupac Shakur has also brought renewed attention to the longstanding feud between Diddy and Suge Knight. Davis, who has claimed that Diddy offered to pay $1 million for the deaths of Shakur and Knight, has been a controversial figure in the ongoing investigation into the rapper’s murder.

In his memoir, “Compton Street Legend,” Davis detailed his relationship with Diddy and the alleged agreement to carry out the hit. According to Davis, Diddy first approached him and the Crips to work security for Bad Boy artists in the mid-1990s. Over time, their relationship allegedly evolved into something far more sinister, with Diddy purportedly asking Davis to handle his “problems” with Shakur and Knight.

While Diddy has always denied hiring gang members as his security or offering a bounty on Shakur and Knight, the allegations continue to cast a shadow over his legacy. The recent lawsuit filed by former R&B singer Cassie, accusing Diddy of rape and abuse, has only added to the growing list of controversies surrounding the mogul.

As more details emerge, it becomes increasingly clear that the story of Diddy and Suge Knight is far from over. The allegations of violence, intimidation, and orchestrated hits paint a picture of a rivalry that was not just about music but also about power and control. Whether these claims will ever be fully substantiated remains to be seen, but they undoubtedly add a new dimension to the complex and often dark history of hip-hop’s most infamous feud.

For now, the public can only watch as these revelations continue to unfold, shedding light on the darker side of an industry that has often been shrouded in mystery and controversy. The story of Diddy and Suge Knight serves as a reminder that behind the glitz and glamour of the music world, there are often hidden battles and power struggles that shape the course of history.

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