“Disavowing the Vice President is Wrong”: Senator Paoltroni Takes Sides in the Internal Battle Between Milei and Villarruel

“Disavowing the Vice President is Wrong”: Senator Paoltroni Takes Sides in the Internal Battle Between Milei and Villarruel

The internal conflict between Javier Milei and Victoria Villarruel continues to escalate. This time, libertarian senator Francisco Paoltroni has come forward to defend the Vice President. He expressed concern over the implications of a contradictory message coming from the highest levels of government, stating, “It is wrong to undermine a Vice President.”

Tensions within the government began following a scandal involving racist and transphobic chants during celebrations for the Argentine national team’s victory in the Copa América. France lodged a complaint, leading to international condemnation. However, the Vice President backed Enzo Fernández, sharing a video of the incident and labeling France’s response as “colonialist” in a post on X.

This situation is unsettling for authoritarian figures. The practice of professional and critical journalism is essential to democracy, which frustrates those who perceive themselves as the sole bearers of truth.

Several officials, including the President, have distanced themselves from these remarks. Presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni labeled them as “unfortunate,” while Karina Milei even visited the French embassy to deliver a personal apology. President Milei himself described the Vice President’s comments as “unfortunate.”

Villarruel remains steadfast in her position, as the tweet that ignited the controversy was still pinned to her account on Tuesday morning. Paoltroni, a senator who at one point was considered for the leadership of the La Libertad Avanza bloc in the Senate, but who ultimately lost out to Ezequiel Atauche, has sided with Villarruel in this dispute. He argued that such comments are unnecessary, detracting energy from crucial issues related to the economy. “If you send bad signals from politics, it won’t help solve the economic problem,” he stated in an interview with FutuRock.

The situation is still developing.

Source: https://www.perfil.com/noticias/politica/desautorizar-a-la-vicepresidente-esta-mal-el-senador-paoltroni-eligio-bando-en-la-interna-entre-milei-y-villarruel.phtml

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