Disney Officially Ends Anakin Skywalker

Disney Officially Ends Anakin Skywalker

Disney has officially ended the legacy of Anakin Skywalker, a character central to the Star Wars saga. Anakin, known for his miraculous conception and unparalleled connection to the Force, was once seen as the prophesied chosen one destined to bring balance to the Force by defeating the Sith.

In George Lucas’s original trilogies, Anakin’s journey from a young boy to a powerful Jedi Knight, and eventually to the iconic villain Darth Vader, captivated audiences. His redemption in Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, where he sacrifices himself to kill Emperor Palpatine, was considered a perfect conclusion to his arc.

However, Disney’s 2019 film The Rise of Skywalker altered this narrative. It revealed that Anakin never truly killed Palpatine, who survived despite being thrown down a reactor shaft. This revelation was short-lived, as the film’s female lead, Rey, ultimately defeated Palpatine.

Filmmaker J.J. Abrams responded to the backlash by stating that those who feel threatened by women could find an enemy in Star Wars. He argued that anyone could find a problem with anything if they looked hard enough, pointing out that Princess Leia was also outspoken and tough in the original trilogy.

However, fans argue that Leia and Rey are fundamentally different characters. Leia maintained her femininity while occasionally picking up a blaster, often relying on Luke, Han, and Chewbacca for support. In contrast, Rey is seen as a ‘Mary-Sue,’ a character who is instantly good at everything without formal training.

Rey’s abilities, such as outmaneuvering seasoned Tie-Fighter pilots and besting a Sith apprentice, have been criticized for their implausibility. A YouTube compilation titled “Rey being a ‘Mary Sue for 6:38′” highlights the absurdity of her character.

With the release of The Acolyte, Disney has further dismantled Anakin’s legacy. The show, set a century before Episode I: The Phantom Menace, follows Jedi in the High-Republic era investigating a series of crimes. The third episode revealed that two new powerful female leads were miraculously conceived by a coven of communist lesbian space witches, stripping Anakin of his unique miraculous conception.

Fans have expressed their discontent with Disney’s direction. Despite an 85% approval rating from critics on Rotten Tomatoes, the audience rating for The Acolyte has plummeted below 20%. IMDB users have collectively rated the show 3.8 out of 10.

One IMDB user, Rethyarnold, rated the series 1/10, stating that The Acolyte misses the essence that made Star Wars a cultural phenomenon. They criticized the shallow characters, incoherent plot, and the show’s prioritization of ticking boxes over crafting a compelling story. The pacing was inconsistent, and the dialogue lacked the wit and charm that once defined Star Wars.

Many fans feel that The Acolyte might be the final nail in the coffin for long-time Star Wars enthusiasts. They hope Disney will eventually follow companies like Target and Anheuser-Busch, who have stopped pushing political agendas due to consumer backlash. Until then, many fans, including myself, will be stepping back from the franchise and remembering what once was.

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