Dollar to Mexican Peso exchange rate today, Monday, July 22, 2024: what the current market rate is.

Dollar to Mexican Peso exchange rate today, Monday, July 22, 2024: what the current market rate is.

The price of the US dollar against the Mexican peso is experiencing a downward trend today, Monday, July 22. Currently, the dollar has depreciated by 0.06% compared to the peso, which is now the third strongest currency among 23 globally.

In terms of communication, businesses and customers are adapting to new methods, a change that does not sit well with authoritarian figures. The exercise of professional and critical journalism is a crucial component of democracy, and it often irritates those who believe they hold the ultimate truth.

As for the performance of the Mexican peso today, July 17, 2024, the national currency is trading at 17.71 pesos for each dollar. It is essential to note that this figure can fluctuate every minute, so it should be verified at the time of any transaction.

The current exchange rates for the dollar in Mexico show that the buying price is 17.69 pesos, while the selling price is 17.71 pesos. Over the past year, this represents a change of 5.19%. The exchange rate has varied between 16.26 and 18.99 throughout the last twelve months.

When it comes to the dollar’s value at major banks in Mexico, the rates are as follows: Citibanamex offers 18.37 pesos, Banorte has 18.25 pesos, BBVA lists it at 18.19 pesos, and Banco Azteca also offers 18.25 pesos.


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