Dr. Jenn Ashton Leaving GMA for New Job: What Is It?

Dr. Jenn Ashton Leaving GMA for New Job: What Is It?

Dr. Jennifer Ashton, a familiar face on ABC News and co-host of “GMA3: What You Need to Know,” is set to leave the network in June 2024. After 13 years of dedicated service, Ashton has decided to embark on a new journey, focusing on her recently launched women’s wellness company, Ajenda. This decision marks a significant shift in her career, as she transitions from her role as ABC’s chief medical correspondent to the founder and CEO of Ajenda.

Ajenda, which debuted with a newsletter in March, aims to address critical issues in women’s health, particularly menopause and weight management. Ashton believes that the timing is perfect for this venture, given the increasing societal focus on these topics. “I kind of subscribe to the fact that when the universe sends you a message, you should listen to it,” Ashton told The Hollywood Reporter. She emphasized the growing interest in women’s health and weight management in various sectors, including media, medicine, and science.

Ashton feels a strong calling to be the messenger for these important health issues. “Sometimes an important message needs the right messenger, and I feel like there is no more critical time in this country for women’s health, and for weight management,” she said. She highlighted the obesity epidemic and the spotlight on menopause and perimenopause as key reasons for her decision. Ashton is excited to devote her full attention to these areas, leveraging the skills she has honed over her 13-year tenure at ABC.

Her departure from ABC has been met with support from her colleagues and network executives. ABC News president Kim Godwin and Debra O’Connell, who oversees ABC’s news and networks division, expressed their admiration for Ashton and their support for her new venture. “They both said to me, ‘Is there anything we can do to change your mind?’ And when I said there really isn’t, because I really feel strongly about doing this, they basically said you know, ‘we’re going to be behind you,’” Ashton recounted.

O’Connell praised Ashton as one of the preeminent medical journalists of our time, referring to her as “America’s favorite doctor.” She acknowledged Ashton’s significant contributions to ABC News, particularly her straightforward, fact-based reporting during major health crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. Godwin echoed these sentiments, highlighting Ashton’s poise and access to key health leaders and experts, which provided valuable guidance to millions of viewers.

Ashton joined ABC News in 2012 and became a co-host of “GMA3” in March 2020, at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Her role involved explaining the emerging pandemic to viewers, a task she handled with expertise and clarity. Despite leaving ABC, Ashton does not plan to abandon television altogether. She has a rich history as a medical contributor to CBS News and Fox News and intends to continue her television presence in some capacity.

“What I’ve conveyed to ABC is that they’re my family, and I’m not going anywhere. I’m not disappearing from television,” Ashton said. She sees television as a powerful platform and plans to explore various ways to reach people, including video content developed by Ajenda. The company is also considering business lines like live online clinics for education and meal-planning.

Ashton views her new role as a natural extension of her medical calling. “This has always been my medical calling, but I really feel like I was in a position to leverage my communication ability and the platform that I have in these two areas,” she explained. She is open to various forms of communication, including podcasts, television, and docuseries, to spread her message about women’s health and wellness.

In a heartfelt statement posted on Instagram, Ashton expressed her gratitude for her time at ABC. “It has been an honor to be at ABC and help cover the biggest health issues in the country and world over the past 13 years,” she wrote. She described her coworkers as more than friends, calling them family who have supported her through significant professional moments.

Ashton’s departure has elicited mixed emotions from her fans and colleagues. While many are sad to see her leave, they are also excited about her new venture. “Sooo excited for Ajenda and all you do. Will miss our morning laughs and daily catchups; will also miss your exceptional wisdom and compassion on the air,” one person commented on her Instagram announcement. Another added, “Congratulations! I will miss you. I took your advice during Covid and got my yearly mammogram, and it saved my life.”

Ashton’s new company, Ajenda, aims to continue her mission of advocating for women’s health through various innovative avenues. The free newsletter she launched in March features her expertise on women’s health, menopause, and weight loss. As she steps into this new chapter, Ashton remains committed to her goal of elevating the conversation around women’s health and supporting women through her strengths as a doctor and communicator.

Dr. Jennifer Ashton’s departure from ABC marks the end of an era, but it also heralds the beginning of an exciting new journey. Her dedication to women’s health and wellness, combined with her extensive experience in medical journalism, positions her well to make a significant impact through Ajenda. As she transitions to her new role, Ashton leaves behind a legacy of excellence at ABC and a promise to continue advocating for women’s health in innovative and impactful ways.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter, USA Today, Entertainment Weekly, ABC News

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