Drury High Graduates Told Challenges Prepared Them for Future

Drury High Graduates Told Challenges Prepared Them for Future

Drury High School’s class of 2024 was reminded that the challenges they faced have prepared them for the future. During the graduation ceremony held in North Adams, Massachusetts, the graduates were encouraged to reflect on their high school journey and the resilience they developed along the way.

Valedictorian Brooke Bishop highlighted the importance of setting and achieving goals. She shared her personal experience of writing down her aspirations, which included becoming valedictorian and finding a best friend. Bishop emphasized that these goals were not just dreams but steps toward making their future a reality. She urged her classmates to recognize their potential to shape the future through their passion and intelligence.

The ceremony, attended by 61 graduates, began with the traditional “Pomp and Circumstance” played by the school band. Class co-President Abigail Percy welcomed the attendees, and graduate Abigail Merrick led the band in playing the national anthem. The School of Rock chorus performed “More Than a Band,” and Jacinta Felix dedicated the yearbook to teacher Andrew Boudreau.

Salutatorian Ferris Miksic reflected on the journey of the graduates, acknowledging the challenges they faced and the triumphs they celebrated. Miksic reminded the class that graduation is not an end but a beginning, and encouraged them to carry forward their curiosity, courage, and commitment to making a positive impact in the world.

Superintendent Barbara Malkas addressed the graduates, noting that their high school experience began during the pandemic. She praised their adaptability and resilience, which helped them navigate the uncertainties of COVID-19. Malkas reminded them that life’s ups and downs are temporary and that positive interaction is irreplaceable, a lesson learned during the pandemic.

Mayor Jennifer Macksey, who presented the diplomas alongside Malkas and Principal Stephanie Kopala, shared her own graduation experience from 33 years ago. She reflected on the valuable education and experiences she received at Drury High School, which helped her navigate adult life. Macksey read from Sandra Magsamen’s children’s storybook “You,” encouraging the graduates to explore and question life. She emphasized that the choices they make from this day forward will define their destiny.

The ceremony concluded with the traditional moving of tassels, an explosion of confetti, and the singing of the alma mater “Mother Drury on the Hill.” Principal Kopala reminded the graduates that they would face hardships and unkindness in the future, but the most important opinion is their own. She encouraged them to stay true to their convictions, as challenges will test their grit and principles.

Kopala urged the graduates to have the courage to change what isn’t working and to remember that history is filled with individuals who changed the course of their lives and communities through their convictions. She assured them that their perseverance would carry them through, and the journey, though challenging, would be worth the climb.

The graduates of Drury High School’s class of 2024 were celebrated for their achievements and resilience. They were reminded that the challenges they faced have prepared them for the future, and they were encouraged to embrace their unique contributions to the world.

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