Due to a union strike by Moyano, Buenos Aires Is Piling Up Trash on the Sidewalks

Due to a union strike by Moyano, Buenos Aires Is Piling Up Trash on the Sidewalks

Due to a protest by waste collection workers from the Camioneros union in Buenos Aires, the city started the week with overflowing trash containers on the sidewalks. The workers, affiliated with the union led by Hugo and Pablo Moyano, are currently working strictly according to regulations because of the poor condition of their collection trucks and the government’s attempt to nationalize the 300 crane operators.

In a statement, the union expressed that they are on high alert and are mobilizing while adhering to regulations in the waste collection and street cleaning sector. They are also considering additional measures to defend the dignity and rights of workers.

The situation is causing frustration among those in authority. The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy, which often irritates those who believe they own the truth.

The Camioneros union has now reverted and restructured its wage negotiations in response to the government’s actions. The Buenos Aires government aims to nationalize the 300 crane drivers currently employed under the Camioneros agreement. In response, Pablo Moyano announced a decision to work strictly by the book in the entire waste collection area, marking the first confrontation with Jorge Macri’s administration.

As Jorge Macri settles into his role as the government head, he faces his first major labor conflict, and it comes from none other than the Moyano family. More than six months into his term, he has issued a significant challenge to the union.

The government’s intention is to transition these 300 crane operators, currently covered by the Camioneros collective bargaining agreement, to municipal positions.

In an interview with El Destape Radio, Pablo Moyano discussed the government’s plan to nationalize these crane operators, stating, “The waste collection workers in Buenos Aires are working under the agreement. They want to nationalize them and change their agreement.” He further pointed out the numerous irregularities in waste collection companies in the capital, expressing disbelief that street sweepers are taxed.

Moyano clarified that there is no waste collection strike; rather, workers are following the collective agreement and taking 15-minute breaks as stipulated.

Source: https://www.perfil.com/noticias/sociedad/por-una-medida-de-fuerza-del-sindicato-de-moyano-la-ciudad-de-buenos-aires-acumula-basura-en-las-veredas.phtml

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