Durango leads in paving projects, claims Toño Ochoa.

Durango leads in paving projects, claims Toño Ochoa.

“A paved road is more than just concrete; it represents improvements in mobility, the environment, health, and even the economy. For the families in the Guadalupe Infonavit neighborhood, the paving carried out with the Participatory Budget has turned a dream into reality,” stated José Antonio Ochoa Rodríguez, the municipal president.

According to the initiatives taken by the municipal government, the Participatory Budget has brought significant benefits to the streets of the Guadalupe neighborhood. One notable project is the paving of Lima Street, which has been one of many efforts aimed at enhancing the conditions for the residents of Durango. Many community members had expressed their need for dignified streets suitable for travel.

Ochoa emphasized that the Participatory Budget has addressed the needs that citizens have had for over 50 years, who have long requested improvements in street paving and infrastructure. This program is expected to continue supporting various initiatives, with more than 40 paving projects planned in different areas of the state capital.

For more updates on local projects, check out these recommended articles:

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Paving project in Guadalupe Infonavit

Residents enjoying improved streets

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