Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Reveals His Mount Rushmore of WCW Opponents

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Reveals His Mount Rushmore of WCW Opponents

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, a name synonymous with wrestling and Hollywood, recently took a nostalgic trip down memory lane on his new Vice show, “Who Killed WCW?” Produced by his Seven Bucks production company, the show delves into the rise and fall of World Championship Wrestling (WCW). During one of the episodes, The Rock got sentimental about the promotion and revealed his personal Mount Rushmore of WCW opponents he wished he could have faced.

Reflecting on the past, The Rock shared his thoughts on the wrestlers he had hoped to wrestle when WCW was absorbed into WWE. “I remember sitting down in my hotel room and writing down all the wrestlers who I had hoped to wrestle,” The Rock said on “Who Killed WCW?” via Fightful. “Goldberg, Sting, [Randy] Savage, everybody in the nWo. I remember writing everybody down and going to Vince and saying, ‘Hey, this might be a good idea. What about this guy and this guy, and this guy and this guy, let’s bring them in.'”

The Rock’s Mount Rushmore of WCW opponents includes Goldberg, Sting, Randy Savage, and the entire nWo faction. While he never got the chance to wrestle Savage post-WCW or Sting at all, he did manage to step into the ring with Goldberg and the original nWo trio of Hollywood Hogan, Kevin Nash, and Scott Hall. Additionally, he faced other WCW stars like Booker T and Chris Jericho, fulfilling some of his wrestling dreams.

Goldberg, known for his intense persona and undefeated streak in WCW, was a natural choice for The Rock. Their match at WWE’s Backlash in 2003 was a highly anticipated event, showcasing the clash of two wrestling titans. The Rock’s admiration for Goldberg’s in-ring prowess and his desire to face him was evident in his recollections.

Sting, often referred to as the “Franchise of WCW,” was another wrestler The Rock had hoped to face. Sting’s enigmatic character and legendary status in WCW made him a dream opponent for many wrestlers, including The Rock. Unfortunately, their paths never crossed in the ring, leaving fans to wonder what could have been.

Randy Savage, a wrestling icon known for his flamboyant style and intense promos, was also on The Rock’s list. Savage’s larger-than-life persona and in-ring skills made him a formidable opponent. Although The Rock never got the chance to wrestle Savage post-WCW, he holds a deep respect for the “Macho Man” and his contributions to the wrestling world.

The nWo, or New World Order, was a revolutionary faction in WCW that included Hollywood Hogan, Kevin Nash, and Scott Hall. The Rock’s desire to face the entire nWo speaks to the impact the faction had on the wrestling industry. He did get the opportunity to wrestle Hogan, Nash, and Hall, creating memorable moments in WWE history.

The Rock’s reflections on his desired WCW opponents highlight the respect and admiration he has for these wrestling legends. Despite not being able to face all of them, he cherishes the matches he did have and the experiences they brought.

In a related note, Matt Camp, a former WWE employee, recently shared his thoughts on his release from the company. Camp, who was let go as part of WWE’s cost-cutting measures, expressed his disappointment with how the company handled his departure. He recalled being told by Michael Cole that his release was due to budget cuts, despite WWE making record profits.

Camp’s experience sheds light on the often harsh realities of the wrestling business. He noted how the company’s emphasis on being a “family” felt disingenuous, especially when employees are let go without much acknowledgment. Camp’s story serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by those working behind the scenes in the wrestling industry.

While The Rock had no involvement in Camp’s release, the anecdote highlights the contrasting experiences within WWE. The Rock, a global superstar, continues to thrive both in and out of the ring, while others like Camp face the uncertainties of the business.

The wrestling world is ever-evolving, with new stars emerging and legends being remembered. The Rock’s reflections on his desired WCW opponents and Camp’s candid account of his release offer a glimpse into the complexities of the industry. As fans, we can appreciate the moments that have shaped wrestling history and look forward to the future of the sport.

Source: Fightful

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