EH Bildu and BNG describe Judge Peinado’s actions in summoning Sánchez as “lawfare.”

EH Bildu and BNG describe Judge Peinado’s actions in summoning Sánchez as “lawfare.”

Spokespersons Mertxe Aizpurua from EH Bildu and Néstor Rego from BNG have labeled the actions of Judge Juan Carlos Peinado as “lawfare” following his decision to summon Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez for questioning in a case linked to his wife, Begoña Gómez.

Aizpurua, speaking to reporters after meeting with ministers Félix Bolaños and Ernest Urtasun regarding a democratic regeneration plan, emphasized that the investigation originated with the influence of far-right factions. She claimed that every move made by the judge reflects this extreme right-wing influence, suggesting that these judicial choices are being driven politically.

She believes it is evident that a specific political agenda guides the judge’s actions and that anyone who fails to recognize this is simply refusing to see the truth. The BNG spokesperson also pointed out that Sánchez had previously referred to “lawfare,” noting that the current situation displays characteristics consistent with such tactics.

Rego urged patience as they await the investigation’s findings to determine if the judge had valid reasons for his actions or if he is engaging in a politically motivated campaign to undermine the government, a tactic that may be beneficial to the Popular Party.

Meanwhile, Ione Belarra, the Secretary-General of Podemos, criticized the current political climate, calling it “unthinkable” for Sánchez and the PSOE to reach an agreement with the PP regarding the General Council of the Judiciary. She believes this deal primarily serves to grant undue power to judicial actors she characterizes as engaging in “judicial coup” tactics.

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