EVAN SEINFELD New BIOHAZARD Music Could Arrive Early Next Year

EVAN SEINFELD New BIOHAZARD Music Could Arrive Early Next Year

In a recent conversation with France’s Loud TV, BIOHAZARD’s bassist and vocalist Evan Seinfeld revealed that the band is actively working on a new album. Seinfeld expressed his enthusiasm, stating that he is currently focused on writing lyrics and collaborating with his bandmates on new music. He hinted that fans might get to hear the new material as early as next year, although he couldn’t provide a specific timeline.

Seinfeld had previously mentioned BIOHAZARD’s plans for new music in an April interview with El Planeta Del Rock. At that time, he shared that the band was in the process of crafting some exciting new songs. He suggested that they might release a single before the full album, but confirmed that a complete album is definitely in the works. Seinfeld emphasized the band’s commitment to creating a strong album, reminiscent of their approach in the ’90s, where they would immerse themselves in the studio to produce a cohesive body of work.

He acknowledged that the trend of consuming music has shifted, with fewer people listening to entire albums from start to finish. However, Seinfeld stressed that BIOHAZARD values authenticity and is dedicated to making the best album possible in 2024.

Earlier this year, Seinfeld discussed how the classic lineup of BIOHAZARD reunited for a series of festival appearances and headlining shows. He recounted a chance encounter with his drummer Danny Schuler’s brother, Richie, at an airport, which led to a reconnection with his bandmates. This unexpected meeting prompted Seinfeld to reflect on past resentments and ultimately reach out to Schuler. Their conversations were initially about rekindling their friendship rather than reuniting the band.

Seinfeld admitted that being in a band can be challenging due to the mix of egos and the struggle for creative input and recognition. However, reconnecting with his bandmates during the pandemic, including guitarist Bobby Hambel, reignited their passion for making music together. Rumors of a reunion began to circulate, and soon after, the band’s managers saw an opportunity for BIOHAZARD to make a significant impact on the metal scene with its original members.

The band members eventually gathered for a rehearsal, which Seinfeld described as revitalizing. The time apart had allowed them to rejuvenate and reignite their excitement for the music. Their reunion was met with enthusiasm from fans, as evidenced by their successful European tour and a memorable performance in front of 600,000 people at a festival in Poland.

BIOHAZARD’s first reunion gig with the classic lineup took place on May 26, 2023, at the Milwaukee Metal Fest. In August 2023, the band confirmed that they were working on new material for a studio album. Guitarist Bobby Hambel mentioned that the inspiration for the new music was coming from their recent shows and the positive energy from the crowds. Guitarist Billy Graziadei added that being back with the band provided a new outlet for his music, which had previously been channeled into his solo project, BILLYBIO.

The band’s journey back together began in 2022 when Graziadei hinted at the possibility of a reunion. BIOHAZARD, known for blending hardcore punk, heavy metal, and hip-hop, had been inactive since Scott Roberts left the band over eight years ago. Roberts, who had rejoined the band in 2011 as Seinfeld’s replacement, fronted BIOHAZARD for nearly five years before departing in 2016 due to personal conflicts and dissatisfaction with the band’s direction.

Seinfeld’s last recorded appearance with BIOHAZARD was on the 2012 album “Reborn In Defiance,” which marked the first LP featuring the band’s original lineup in 18 years. Graziadei is currently also a member of POWERFLO, a band that includes members from FEAR FACTORY, CYPRESS HILL, and DOWNSET. His solo project, BILLYBIO, released an album titled “Leaders And Liars” in March 2022.

As BIOHAZARD continues to work on their new album, fans eagerly await the return of the band’s signature sound and the energy that has defined their music for decades. With the classic lineup back together and a renewed sense of purpose, the upcoming album promises to be a significant addition to BIOHAZARD’s legacy.

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