FIFTY FIFTY to Return with Keena and 4 New Members

FIFTY FIFTY to Return with Keena and 4 New Members

K-pop enthusiasts have something exciting to look forward to as the girl group FIFTY FIFTY is set to make a grand return. The group, which originally debuted in November 2022, is undergoing a significant transformation. Keena, the sole remaining original member, will be joined by four new members, marking a fresh start for the group.

ATTRAKT, the agency behind FIFTY FIFTY, made the announcement recently, stating that the new lineup will be finalized in April. The group was initially set to release a new single in June, but the comeback has been rescheduled to September to ensure a polished and well-prepared return.

The journey to this new beginning has been anything but smooth. The original lineup, which included Keena, Aran, Sio, and Saena, faced turmoil when Aran, Sio, and Saena left the group. Their departure followed a legal battle over contract disputes, leading to the termination of their exclusive contracts with ATTRAKT in October of the previous year.

To rebuild the group, ATTRAKT embarked on a rigorous search for new talent. The agency held its first open audition in Singapore on February 3, attracting around 120 females aged 14 and above from Southeast Asia. The auditions didn’t stop there; they continued in Korea and Japan, ensuring a diverse pool of talent.

David Yong, the CEO of Evergreen Group Holdings, played a significant role in the audition process. Yong, who has experience in the K-pop industry himself, having debuted with the single “In My Pocket” in 2022, brought his expertise to the table. His company is also investing a substantial amount, approximately 10 billion won ($7.5 million), in ATTRAKT, underscoring the high stakes involved in this relaunch.

The final audition took place in Thailand on March 2, culminating in the selection of the four new members who will join Keena. This new lineup aims to bring a fresh dynamic to FIFTY FIFTY, blending the experience of the original member with the new talents.

Despite the challenges, FIFTY FIFTY has continued to make waves in the music industry. Their single “Cupid,” released a year ago, re-entered three Billboard charts as of February 10. It ranked No. 9 on the World Digital Song Sales, No. 15 on the World Album chart, and No. 197 on the Global 200 Excl US. Impressively, “Cupid” also secured the No. 44 spot on Billboard’s annual Hot 100 songs chart last November, making history as the first K-pop girl group song to achieve this feat.

ATTRAKT is keenly aware of the anticipation surrounding FIFTY FIFTY’s comeback. The agency emphasized the need for additional time to ensure the group’s production quality and global marketing strategies are up to par. This meticulous approach aims to present FIFTY FIFTY with a complete and refined image when they make their return in September.

The K-pop industry is known for its fierce competition and high standards, and FIFTY FIFTY’s journey is a testament to the resilience and dedication required to succeed. With Keena leading the new lineup, fans are eager to see how the group will evolve and what new music they will bring to the table.

As the countdown to September begins, the excitement is palpable. FIFTY FIFTY’s return promises to be a significant event in the K-pop calendar, and fans worldwide are eagerly awaiting the group’s new chapter.

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