Financial Alternatives: What Are the Best Instruments for Investing?

Financial Alternatives: What Are the Best Instruments for Investing?

The government has implemented measures regarding the exchange rate and the introduction of new financial instruments. This makes it crucial to know where to place our savings and investments.

In this context, the team at Canal E reached out to financial expert Julio Bastianello, who discussed the main financial instruments available.

Last week, new economic measures were introduced concerning monetary policy, Bastianello noted. He added that we should keep an eye on whether the policy interest rate will increase, as this could impact fixed-term deposits and virtual wallets.

Bastianello suggested looking for returns in pesos through Treasury bills, which have maturities of 30, 60, and 90 days and offer better rates compared to fixed-term deposits.

He also mentioned that these bills are somewhat less conservative compared to other options. Additionally, he highlighted that corporate bonds can provide attractive dollar-denominated opportunities.

Lastly, Bastianello pointed out that stocks and Certificates of Deposit in Argentine Shares (CEDEARs) are also viable alternatives for those willing to take on a bit more risk. Given the market’s inherent volatility, he emphasized the importance of monitoring its reactions.


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