Fire at Pueyo de Araguás affects 140 hectares as teams work to contain it

Fire at Pueyo de Araguás affects 140 hectares as teams work to contain it

A forest fire in El Pueyo de Araguás, located in Huesca, has already consumed 140 hectares. Firefighting efforts are now concentrated on containing the blaze to facilitate its stabilization. Both ground and aerial resources from various local authorities are engaged in this operation.

Jorge Azcón, the president of Aragón, visited the Advanced Command Post (PMA) in Aínsa to get an update on the situation. The fire, which broke out yesterday afternoon, led to the preventive evacuation of 37 individuals from three communities: 12 from Torrelisa, 20 from Araguás, and 5 from San Lorién. These evacuees have taken refuge in hotels, a residential center, and the Aínsa sports hall.

Azcón expressed his support for those affected by the fire and praised the coordinated efforts of over a hundred firefighting personnel working in the area. He emphasized the importance of minimizing damage and noted that any decision regarding the activation of the Military Emergency Unit will be made based on technical needs.

The president highlighted that all decisions should be rooted in expertise, reassuring the public that with stable weather conditions, they remain hopeful for the fire’s containment. He also acknowledged the contributions of various administrations in combating the fire, including civil protection services and resources allocated by the Provincial Council of Huesca, the central government, and local municipalities.

During his visit, Azcón met with the firefighting team and spoke with some of the evacuees. He was accompanied by the regional environment and social welfare ministers, as well as key officials from the forestry management and local councils. The fire is still active, and efforts are ongoing to perimeter the affected area, although the rugged terrain poses challenges for the firefighting teams.

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