First Five Selected for tripleS Dance Unit Vision@ry Vision

First Five Selected for tripleS Dance Unit Vision@ry Vision

tripleS has just announced the initial results of the Vision@ry Vision Gravity! Earlier this week, the group revealed their plans to debut a special dance unit named Vision@ry Vision. This announcement follows the debut of tripleS Glow earlier in the week. The debut of Vision@ry Vision comes after the debut of tripleS Glow in late June and the release of tripleS’ first full group album, ASSEMBLE24, in early May.

Fans have been given the opportunity to select members who best fit the concept of Vision@ry Vision, focusing on exceptional dancers and performers. On June 15, Jeong HyeRin was chosen as the leader of Vision@ry Vision through fan votes. The following day, after nearly 24 hours of voting, Kaede, Kotone, Kwak YeonJi, and Park SoHyun were finalized as members. There are still five spots left in the unit, which have yet to be filled. Fans can participate in the Gravity voting process through the tripleS Cosmo app, using como (the in-app currency) to cast their votes. Stay tuned for more updates!

Vision@ry Vision is a special dance unit created by tripleS. The goal of this unit is to showcase the exceptional dance talents of tripleS members and to explore new styles and concepts. The selection process for Vision@ry Vision members was conducted through a voting process organized via the tripleS Cosmo app. Fans were invited to vote for the members they believed were most suited to the unit’s concept.

The first five elected members of Vision@ry Vision are:

Jeong HyeRin (leader)
Kwak YeonJi
Park SoHyun

There are still five spots to be filled in the Vision@ry Vision unit. Fans can continue to vote for members through the tripleS Cosmo app. Additional members will be announced in the coming weeks. The first five elected members of Vision@ry Vision are talented and experienced dancers. They represent an excellent start for this exciting new unit. Fans are eagerly awaiting the announcement of the remaining five members who will complete the group and are excited to see what Vision@ry Vision will bring to the K-Pop landscape.

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