Fontaines DC Name 10 Essential Romance Albums Crate Digging

Fontaines DC Name 10 Essential Romance Albums Crate Digging

Fontaines D.C. have once again captured the spotlight with their latest venture into the world of music. This time, the band’s Conor Curley and Tom Coll have taken part in a special edition of Crate Digging, where they delve into their personal collections to highlight 10 essential romance albums. This feature comes in anticipation of their upcoming album, aptly named Romance.

The band’s single “Starburster” has already made waves, topping the 100 Best Songs of the Year (So Far) list. While the track is undeniably impressive, its romantic undertones are not immediately apparent. According to guitarist Conor Curley, the album’s title, Romance, was one of the first elements decided upon, even before much of the music was written. Curley explains that the term “romance” can be interpreted in various ways, from dark and twisted to beautifully conversational. The album aims to explore these different facets, challenging the mundane modern perception of romance.

To better understand what Romance means to Fontaines D.C., Curley and drummer Tom Coll were asked to name 10 essential romantic records. Their selections span a wide range of interpretations of romance, from the classically romantic to the darker, more traumatic aspects. Curley notes that their goal was to capture the “axis of romance,” including albums with beautiful strings and duets, as well as those with a more somber tone.

The list includes albums from a diverse group of artists such as Beach House, Billy Bragg, The Weeknd, and Jessica Pratt. It also features deeper cuts from bands like The Amazing Snakeheads, Sultans of Ping F.C., and Headache. Each album was chosen for its unique take on romance, whether it be through lush orchestration or raw, emotional storytelling.

Fontaines D.C.’s new album, Romance, is set for release on August 23rd via XL Recordings. The band will support the album with a North American tour starting in September. Fans can also catch them on their current run of EU and UK shows.

The band’s journey began in 2017 when members Carlos O’Connell, Conor Curley, Conor Deegan, Grian Chatten, and Tom Coll met while studying music in Dublin. Their shared love of poetry quickly transformed into a musical collaboration. Initially performing under the name Fontaines, they added “D.C.” (Dublin City) to avoid confusion with another band.

Fontaines D.C. signed with Partisan Records and released their debut album, Dogrel, in April 2019. The album received critical acclaim and earned them nominations for prestigious awards like the Mercury Prize and the Choice Music Prize. Their second studio album, A Hero’s Death, released in July 2020, was met with similar praise.

The band’s unique sound, characterized by intelligent lyrics and a strong sense of place, sets them apart. Their music draws comparisons to legendary bands like The Jesus and Mary Chain, Sonic Youth, and The Cure. Fontaines D.C. have managed to capture the attention of both younger audiences and those who grew up with the great bands of the past.

Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, Fontaines D.C. have remained active. They released a cover of Darklands, directed their own music video, and created Spotify playlists featuring their influences. Their wide-ranging musical tastes, encompassing rock, punk, indie, and more, are evident in their own work.

Fontaines D.C. have quickly become one of the most exciting bands to emerge in recent years. Their ability to draw on the influence of older bands while creating something uniquely their own is refreshing. If they had been around in the ’90s, they might already have legendary status. As it stands, they are well on their way to making a lasting impact on the music world.

Their new album, Romance, promises to be another milestone in their career. With its exploration of the many facets of romance, it is sure to resonate with fans old and new. Be sure to catch them on tour and experience their captivating live performances.

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