Forensic Doctor ‘Revived’ Dozens of Deceased to Collect Nearly 30 Million Soles from Insurers

Forensic Doctor ‘Revived’ Dozens of Deceased to Collect Nearly 30 Million Soles from Insurers

A criminal organization has exploited the signature of a forensic doctor to "resurrect" deceased individuals from 2017 and 2018 in Tambopata, Madre de Dios. This allowed them to register these individuals for pension plans and subsequently declare them dead again. A recent report by Cuarto Poder revealed that this corrupt scheme allowed the network to collect nearly 30 million soles from various insurance companies.

The Peruvian Association of Insurance (APS), which comprises 15 companies, uncovered at least 31 cases where Dr. Edgar Eduardo Poma Condori played a significant role. Carmen Velarde, the newly confirmed head of the National Registry of Identification and Civil Status (Reniec), mentioned that this doctor, who remains in his position, had access to the official database of the agency.

"First, they took the identity of the deceased, acquired a life insurance policy, then created fictitious family members and declared them dead again to claim the insurance payout," Velarde explained during the report. "These certificates in the investigated cases were signed by a medical professional from forensic medicine, indicating a substantial act of corruption."

Reniec’s identification processing experts identified critical issues in fraudulent documents, such as inconsistent strokes, ink, and irregular margins. In one notable case, Lino Huamaní Hilares, who died from electrocution on December 12, 2018, had a necropsy certificate signed by Poma. Two years later, on September 30, 2020, the same doctor falsely certified Hilares’ death again, this time claiming it was due to pneumonia related to COVID-19.

Another prominent instance involves Ronal Hancco Gallegos, who reportedly died from a gunshot wound on November 6, 2013, also certified by Poma. Yet, mysteriously, Hancco was "resurrected" in an official record as having died again on February 20, 2023, this time from COVID-19 pneumonia. Forensics confirmed that all signatures on the different documents indeed belonged to the same doctor.

"There is no way Poma can deny the authenticity of his signature. The fraudulent documents issued by him have been annulled, leading to his denunciation," Velarde stated. Despite the evidence, Poma Condori continues to work for the Public Ministry in Locumba (Tacna). Initially, he denied being present in the offices but later agreed to an interview.

"I don’t believe I did anything illegal. I have signed countless documents in my professional capacity," he defended himself. While his expertise is crucial for investigations, he admitted that his professional certification has often lapsed. "I need to renew it every three months. Perhaps I’m not active right now; I last updated it around Christmas," he clarified during the television program.

Currently, Poma Condori is poised to take the lead of the Legal Medicine unit in Jorge Basadre province, Tacna. He has been implicated in charges of ideological falsification, a crime that could lead to imprisonment for three to six years.

Documents signed by Poma allowed for an estimation of the fraud’s scope, tallying around 28.2 million soles in invalid claims against insurers. Authorities suspect that this criminal network might involve other doctors with access to the National Death System (Sinadef), who have the capability to identify people not registered as deceased with Reniec.

In March, Cuarto Poder also revealed that Edbar Ruiz Pérez, a drug trafficking kingpin falsely reported dead, is alive and operating from Bolivia under the alias Eduardo Pestaña Castro. A report showcased his supposed death certificate, indicating he died on November 5, 2022, in San Martín de Porres district.

However, the National Police confirmed that he is still alive and managing cocaine trafficking between Peru and Bolivia. Ruiz Pérez allegedly paid a doctor to falsely certify his death, allowing him to nullify his identification documents. Reniec has taken action against the validity of the death certificate and the ID and has announced legal proceedings against those involved.

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