Fox News Host Compares Justin Timberlake to ‘Morally Compromised’ Joe Biden Take Down

Fox News Host Compares Justin Timberlake to ‘Morally Compromised’ Joe Biden Take Down

Fox News Host Compares Justin Timberlake to ‘Morally Compromised’ Joe Biden Take Down

Fox News’ Lisa Kennedy Montgomery recently took a jab at President Joe Biden while criticizing musician Justin Timberlake over his DUI arrest in Sag Harbor, New York. The incident has sparked a wave of commentary, particularly on Fox News’ “Outnumbered” show.

During Wednesday’s episode, the hosts expressed their disapproval of Timberlake’s behavior following his arrest. Reports indicated that Timberlake complained about the potential impact on his tour and claimed he had only consumed one martini. Additionally, a witness told The New York Post that Timberlake took another person’s drink before his arrest. Timberlake refused a breathalyzer test multiple times and is scheduled for a virtual court appearance in July.

“The guy could hurt somebody,” Harris Faulkner remarked after viewing footage of the arrest. Emily Compagno focused on Timberlake’s comment about his tour, noting that DUI arrests are costly and have a more significant impact on individuals without Timberlake’s status and wealth. “It matters how you handle it in the moment because your true colors shine through,” she said, emphasizing that Timberlake would eventually need to apologize to his fans.

Montgomery questioned why no one in Timberlake’s entourage suggested a ride home. “There are so many sycophants and hangers-on around him in this establishment…none of them stopped him? None of them offered to get him an Uber? Or a stretch Hummer? Or a rickshaw? Literally anything,” she said.

She then compared Timberlake to President Biden, calling Timberlake “morally compromised.” “I don’t even care what else was in his system, he was impaired,” she said. “We’ve all done that game where you drink other people’s drinks. It’s called playing homeless, at least that’s what we called it back in college.”

George P. Bush, a former Texas land commissioner, did not engage with the Biden comparison but suggested that Timberlake has an “opportunity” to raise awareness about the dangers of intoxicated driving. “I think it’s an opportunity as a celebrity to speak up on the issue and say, ‘hey, I did the wrong thing here, and I want to raise awareness about the harms of intoxicated driving,'” he said. “Accept responsibility instead of shifting.”

This incident has drawn attention not only to Timberlake’s actions but also to the broader issue of how celebrities handle their public image and responsibilities. The comparison to President Biden adds a political dimension to the discussion, highlighting the scrutiny public figures face in their personal and professional lives.

As Timberlake prepares for his court appearance, the public and media will be watching closely to see how he addresses the situation and whether he takes steps to make amends. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of accountability and the impact of one’s actions, regardless of their status or wealth.

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