French Right Surges as Discontented Voters Ready to Send Macron a Message

French Right Surges as Discontented Voters Ready to Send Macron a Message

French President Emmanuel Macron has announced the dissolution of parliament and the calling of new legislative elections after exit polls revealed a significant defeat for his alliance in the European Parliament elections. The far-right National Rally (RN), led by Marine Le Pen, emerged victorious, signaling a surge in support for the French right and a clear message of discontent from voters.

In his address to the nation, Macron acknowledged the gravity of the election results, which saw his pro-European party garner less than half the support of the RN. He emphasized the need for a clear majority to govern effectively and announced that lower house elections would be held on June 30, with a second-round vote on July 7.

“This is an essential time for clarification,” Macron stated. “I have heard your message, your concerns, and I will not leave them unanswered. France needs a clear majority to act in serenity and harmony.”

The RN, led by 28-year-old Jordan Bardella, secured around 32 percent of the vote, more than double the 15 percent achieved by Macron’s ticket, according to exit polls. The Socialists came close to Macron’s party with 14 percent. This strong showing by Le Pen’s party, which marked a 10-point increase from the last European Union election in 2019, poses a significant challenge to Macron’s hold on power, just three years before the end of his final term.

Le Pen and Bardella framed the EU election as a mid-term referendum on Macron’s mandate, tapping into widespread discontent over issues such as immigration, crime, and a two-year inflation crisis. Le Pen expressed readiness to take over power if the French people trust them in the upcoming national elections.

“We are ready to take over power if the French give us their trust in the upcoming national elections,” Le Pen declared at a rally following Macron’s announcement.

The European elections have highlighted a critical moment in France’s political landscape. Macron, who cannot stand for re-election in 2027, faces a formidable challenge from Le Pen, who sees this as her best chance to win the presidency. Jacques Reland from the Global Policy Institute described the situation in France as a “rampant mess” and noted that Macron’s decision to call for new elections is a risky gamble.

“The European election was used as a way for the French to vent their dissatisfaction on issues like immigration and cuts in unemployment benefits,” Reland said. “But they recognize one thing about him [Macron] that on the international level, he puts across a good image of France and Europe.”

The surge of the far right in France was widely anticipated, but Macron’s decision to dissolve parliament and call for new elections was unexpected. He hopes that voters will unite to contain the far right in national elections, a move that could result in the French far right leading a government for the first time since World War II.

Macron’s Renaissance party secured less than 15 percent of the vote, just ahead of the Socialists. The leftist France Unbowed party and the conservative Républicains also garnered significant support. Macron’s centrist party, which was the largest in the National Assembly, lost its majority in 2022, forcing lawmakers to collaborate with politicians on both the left and right to pass bills.

In response to the far right’s victory, Macron called for new elections to avoid legislative paralysis and prevent himself from becoming a lame-duck leader. National Assembly President Yaël Braun-Pivet emphasized that the president wanted to show responsiveness to voters.

“We are told too often that we do not hear, that we are cut off from the people, and there, the president took a decision following a very clear vote by the French,” Braun-Pivet said.

French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné stated that Macron’s decision to call elections is not a “poker move.” However, with a deeply divided left and millions of voters no longer frightened by the National Rally’s policies, betting on a popular surge against the far right three weeks before the balloting is a high-stakes bid.

The National Rally, with its anti-immigration agenda, is now well-established and represents the largest parliamentary opposition group in the lower house. Le Pen has made it to the second round of the presidential elections twice, following her father Jean-Marie Le Pen’s similar achievement in 2002. The party’s normalization strategy has paid off, making it mainstream and developing a strong network of officials across France.

The two-round system for general elections has historically made it difficult for extremist parties to gain ground, as mainstream parties work together to isolate those on the fringes. However, this strategy may not work this time. In the last general election, Le Pen’s National Rally secured more than ten times the seats it won five years earlier.

Far-left politician Francois Ruffin called on all leaders from the left, including the Greens, to unite under a single “Popular Front” banner to avoid the worst and win. Others on the left suggested similar cooperation. However, Raphaël Glucksmann, the lead Socialist candidate, accused Macron of caving into the National Rally’s calls for a dissolution of the National Assembly, calling the move “extremely dangerous.”

Marine Le Pen celebrated the victory and expressed readiness to exercise power if the French people place their trust in them in the future legislative elections. She emphasized the party’s commitment to defending the interests of the French, ending mass immigration, and prioritizing the purchasing power of the French.

If another party or coalition gains a majority of seats in the general election, Macron will be forced to appoint a prime minister from that new majority. This situation, known as “cohabitation,” would result in a government implementing domestic policies that diverge from the president’s plan. While Macron would retain influence over foreign and defense policy, such an arrangement could make France almost ungovernable.

The upcoming snap elections, scheduled for June 30 and July 7, will determine the future political landscape of France. Candidates will run for 577 seats in the National Assembly, with specific thresholds to advance to the second round. The candidate with the most votes in the run-off will be elected.

As France prepares for these elections, the political upheaval is unlikely to affect preparations for the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris, scheduled to start in late July.

Source: Al Jazeera and news agencies

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