Gas Tank: Is it Better to Fill It Up Completely or Gradually?

Gas Tank: Is it Better to Fill It Up Completely or Gradually?

The price of fuel in Spain has been on the rise in recent months, prompting drivers to question how much fuel they should fill their tanks—should they fill it to the top or just a little? What’s the best approach?

According to the Motor Blog of the MAPFRE insurance company, filling your gas tank all the way isn’t harmful to modern cars. Today’s vehicles have fuel tanks designed by manufacturers that can accommodate a full fill-up without causing damage. However, it is important to be cautious of potential spills caused by very high pressure from the pump. Gasoline is a flammable substance, so if a spill occurs, it’s best to notify the gas station staff to prevent any accidents.

To help prevent spills and safely fill your tank, cars are equipped with several safety systems. These include an overflow area that collects excess fuel to avoid spills, a hermetic cap that ensures the fuel doesn’t escape, and a safety valve that prevents excessive gas pressure from building up inside the tank.

For optimal fueling and to prevent overflows, there are some tips to consider. The filling process will depend on how much fuel is already in the tank and the speed at which the fuel flows from the nozzle. If your tank is nearly empty, start by filling quickly and then slow down as you approach a full tank. Gradually squeezing the nozzle will help reduce the flow.

When fuel enters the tank quickly, it can create foam, which reduces the effective capacity of the tank and may trigger the dispenser’s safety mechanism, stopping the fuel flow. Foam can also create gas pockets in the tank’s inlet, making it harder to fill it to maximum capacity. This issue is typically more common with diesel vehicles due to diesel’s higher density compared to gasoline.

To maximize your tank’s capacity, pay attention to the filling speed. Use the nozzle trigger to regulate fuel flow—fill rapidly when the tank is nearly empty, then slow down as it fills to avoid foam and ensure you get the most fuel possible.

It’s also wise to refuel before your tank reaches the reserve level. Foam can lead to excessive fuel evaporation as the tank empties. When there’s less fuel, an empty space allows more fuel to evaporate. To avoid unnecessary evaporation and loss of capacity, make it a habit to refuel when your tank is below halfway full.

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