Geezer Butler reveals Ozzy Osbourne’s texts

Geezer Butler reveals Ozzy Osbourne’s texts

Geezer Butler has recently opened up about his strained relationship with Ozzy Osbourne, revealing the contents of some of the texts exchanged between the two. This revelation comes amidst ongoing tensions and misunderstandings between the former Black Sabbath bandmates.

Ozzy Osbourne, who has been grappling with severe health issues, including multiple spinal surgeries and a tumor, expressed his disappointment in Butler for not reaching out during his difficult times. In a candid interview with Rolling Stone UK, Ozzy lamented the lack of communication from Butler, contrasting it with the support he received from other band members like Tony Iommi and even Bill Ward, with whom he had a long-standing feud.

Ozzy’s frustration was palpable as he recounted his efforts to stay in touch with Butler during significant moments in Butler’s life, such as the birth of his son, despite their professional conflicts. “When his son was born, I phoned him every night even though we were at war with each other,” Ozzy shared. “But from him, not one call.”

Butler, however, has a different perspective. He took to social media to clarify that he had indeed tried to contact Ozzy during his health struggles. According to Butler, he sent emails to Ozzy’s office and even reached out through Sharon Osbourne, Ozzy’s wife and manager, but received no response. “I made two different attempts at getting in touch during his illnesses,” Butler explained. “My first email went through his office because I didn’t have Ozzy’s new number. Sharon responded, but I didn’t hear back from Ozzy.”

The bassist further elaborated that his second attempt, nearly a year later, also went unanswered. “I emailed Sharon to check on Oz. That email went unanswered,” Butler stated. He expressed his reluctance to engage in a public back-and-forth, preferring to keep Ozzy in his thoughts privately.

The tension between the two musicians is further complicated by the strained relationship between their wives, Sharon Osbourne and Gloria Butler. Ozzy hinted that the fallout between the two women has contributed to the rift between him and Butler. “His wife and my wife had a falling out,” Ozzy said. “But that’s got nothing to do with me. Are you really going to hide behind your wife’s skirt because of that?”

Despite the misunderstandings, Butler has expressed a desire to mend fences. In a recent interview, he mentioned that he and Ozzy have been in touch more frequently, thanks to a mutual acquaintance who helped bridge the communication gap. “We’ve been fine since that,” Butler noted, indicating that the miscommunication had been resolved to some extent.

The possibility of a Black Sabbath reunion has been a topic of speculation among fans. Ozzy has expressed a desire to perform one final show with the original lineup, including Bill Ward. Butler, while open to the idea, has reservations about Ward’s ability to perform due to health concerns. “Of course there’s an interest on my part to do it,” Butler said. “But you’d have to speak to Bill about it.”

Butler’s autobiography, “Into the Void: From Birth to Black Sabbath―And Beyond,” sheds light on his relationship with Ozzy and the dynamics within the band. He acknowledges that while he and Ozzy may not be as close as they once were, they will always share a bond. “Me and Ozzy are fine,” Butler wrote. “It’s just that we’re both ruled by our wives.”

The bassist also touched on the legal and financial aspects of their relationship, revealing that he sold his share of the Black Sabbath band name to Tony Iommi in 1984. Despite this, he still receives a quarter of the band’s earnings. “I can never go out on the road and call myself Black Sabbath,” Butler admitted. “But I still get a quarter of everything, so it doesn’t matter financially.”

As the rock legends navigate their personal and professional relationships, fans remain hopeful for a resolution that could see the original Black Sabbath lineup reunite for one final performance. For now, the focus remains on the personal connections and the efforts to bridge the gaps that have formed over the years.

In the world of rock and roll, where egos and emotions often run high, the story of Ozzy Osbourne and Geezer Butler serves as a reminder of the complexities of long-term friendships and professional partnerships. As both musicians continue to deal with their respective challenges, the hope is that they can find common ground and perhaps, one day, share the stage once more.

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