Lauren Graham and Kelly Bishop, the beloved mother-daughter duo from the iconic series “Gilmore Girls,” recently delighted fans with a heartwarming reunion. Graham, who played the spirited Lorelai Gilmore, and Bishop, who portrayed the sophisticated Emily Gilmore, shared a selfie on Instagram, capturing a moment from their lunch date. The photo, posted on June 28, was captioned by Graham with, “Here’s to the ladies who lunch. #Kelly,” and quickly garnered attention and adoration from fans.
The reunion photo brought back fond memories of the dynamic relationship between Lorelai and Emily, a central theme of the show that ran from 2000 to 2007 and was later revived in the 2016 miniseries “Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life.” Fans were quick to express their excitement and nostalgia, with many calling for another revival of the series. Comments like “The best duo!! Please make another revival! It’s time!!” and “This is what we neeeeeed more of. ” flooded the post, showcasing the enduring love for the show and its characters.
The timing of the post also added a special touch, as fans noted the significance of it being a Friday, reminiscent of the “Friday night dinners” that were a staple in the Gilmore household. One fan commented, “Ommmgggg my Friday night dinners are now Friday lunches ,” while another added, “The Friday dinner turned into lunch! ”
Graham and Bishop’s bond extends beyond their on-screen roles. In May, during an event in London to promote her book “Have I Told You This Already?: Stories I Don’t Want to Forget to Remember,” Graham spoke about her friendship with Bishop. She highlighted the value of having friends who are not peers, sharing that despite their age difference, they enjoy meaningful conversations and support each other through life’s worries.
The reunion photo is a testament to the lasting impact of “Gilmore Girls” and the special connection between its cast members. The series, which followed the lives of Lorelai and her daughter Rory (played by Alexis Bledel), along with the complex relationship with Emily, has continued to capture the hearts of new generations through streaming platforms like Netflix.
In a 2021 interview with Jimmy Kimmel, Graham reflected on the show’s resurgence in popularity thanks to Netflix. She noted that while the show wasn’t a massive hit during its original run, it has since found a larger audience, with different groups and generations discovering and falling in love with the series. “It’s way more popular. It wasn’t that popular [when it originally aired],” Graham said. “We were on opposite Friends, no one really knew we were on. It was, like, a miracle every year we got picked up. The people who liked it, liked it, but it wasn’t a big hit. It’s crazy. New generations keep watching it.”
The reunion photo also comes at a time when fans are eagerly anticipating the availability of all seven seasons of “Gilmore Girls” on the streaming service ITVX, starting July 4. This announcement has only fueled the desire for more content from the beloved series.
While the entire cast hasn’t been together since the 2016 revival, there have been other mini-reunions that have kept the spirit of “Gilmore Girls” alive. For instance, in 2022, Chad Michael Murray and Scott Patterson, who played Rory’s classmate Tristan and Lorelai’s love interest Luke, respectively, shared a reunion selfie. Patterson posted the photo on X, captioning it with, “It’s a Luke/Tristan reunion at Sullivan’s Crossing. Annual Grey vs Blonde Homecoming Event! Who u voting for?”
Keiko Agena, who played Lane Kim, also shared her thoughts on reprising her role in the 2016 revival. In an interview with PEOPLE, Agena discussed the complexities of playing a Korean American character while being Japanese American herself. She emphasized the importance of representation and how casting decisions might differ today compared to when the show first aired in 2000.
The enduring appeal of “Gilmore Girls” lies in its rich characters and the relatable, often humorous, portrayal of family dynamics. Emily Gilmore, in particular, remains a fan favorite for her sharp wit and impeccable taste. Her character’s evolution, especially in the wake of actor Edward Herrmann’s passing, adds depth to the series’ narrative and offers potential for future storylines.
As fans continue to cherish the memories and moments from “Gilmore Girls,” the recent reunion of Lauren Graham and Kelly Bishop serves as a beautiful reminder of the show’s lasting legacy. Whether through new revivals or cherished re-watches, the world of Stars Hollow and its beloved characters will always hold a special place in the hearts of its audience.
Source: PEOPLE, Instagram