Goonies Star Who Played Chunk Undergoes Major Career Change

Goonies Star Who Played Chunk Undergoes Major Career Change

The beloved 1985 adventure film “The Goonies” has left an indelible mark on pop culture, and its cast members have gone on to pursue various paths in their careers. One of the most notable transformations is that of Jeff Cohen, who played the iconic character Chunk. Known for his memorable “Truffle Shuffle” scene, Cohen has undergone a significant career change that has surprised many fans.

Jeff Cohen, who captured hearts as the chubby, lovable Chunk, has transitioned from acting to a successful career in law. After his stint in Hollywood, Cohen decided to pursue higher education, eventually earning a law degree from UCLA School of Law. His decision to leave acting behind and focus on a legal career has proven to be a wise one, as he has become a prominent entertainment lawyer.

Cohen’s journey from child star to legal expert is a testament to his versatility and determination. While many child actors struggle to find their footing after their early fame, Cohen has managed to carve out a new niche for himself. His legal expertise, particularly in entertainment law, has made him a sought-after attorney in the industry.

In interviews, Cohen has often spoken about the challenges and rewards of his career shift. He has mentioned that his experience in the entertainment industry as an actor has given him unique insights that he can now apply as a lawyer. This background allows him to understand the intricacies of the business from both sides, making him an invaluable asset to his clients.

Cohen’s legal career has not gone unnoticed. He co-founded the law firm Cohen Gardner LLP, which specializes in entertainment law. The firm has represented a variety of clients, including actors, writers, directors, and producers. Cohen’s ability to navigate the complex world of entertainment contracts and negotiations has earned him a stellar reputation.

Despite his success in law, Cohen has not completely distanced himself from his acting roots. He occasionally participates in “Goonies” reunions and events, much to the delight of fans. His willingness to embrace his past while forging a new path is a testament to his character and adaptability.

Cohen’s story is a reminder that career changes, even drastic ones, can lead to fulfilling and successful outcomes. His transition from Chunk to a respected lawyer is an inspiring example of how one can reinvent themselves and thrive in a completely different field.

As Cohen continues to make strides in his legal career, fans of “The Goonies” can take pride in knowing that their beloved Chunk has found success and happiness in a new arena. His journey serves as a beacon of hope for anyone looking to make a significant career change, proving that with determination and hard work, anything is possible.

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