Government Acknowledges Pessimism Over Immigration Law Vote Despite Last-Minute Talks

Government Acknowledges Pessimism Over Immigration Law Vote Despite Last-Minute Talks

The government is expressing pessimism regarding the upcoming vote on the proposal to amend the Immigration Law, which would mandate the distribution of unaccompanied minor migrants among autonomous communities. This sentiment persists despite negotiations that took place earlier today, mediated by the President of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo.

With just over an hour until the voting session in the Congress of Deputies, government sources indicate that they have made every effort to persuade the Popular Party (PP) to support the initiative. However, they suggest that the likelihood of the vote passing is low.

Sources revealed that the government was open to incorporating additional measures to address the concerns raised by PP leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo. This included the introduction of mechanisms to handle urgent and emergency situations.

Despite these discussions throughout the day, the government has struggled to win over the PP, whose support is crucial due to the opposition from Junts to the proposed legislation. The party led by Carles Puigdemont has insisted on excluding Catalonia from the distribution of minor migrants, a condition the government has deemed unacceptable, as reiterated by consulted sources.

For further information on migration management, you can refer to resources from organizations like the International Organization for Migration (IOM) or explore detailed analyses from platforms such as the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE).

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