Grandson Says Jimmy Carter Not Awake Every Day

Grandson Says Jimmy Carter Not Awake Every Day

Former President Jimmy Carter, now 99 years old, is no longer awake every day as he continues his journey in hospice care, according to his grandson, Jason Carter. In a recent interview with Southern Living magazine, Jason shared insights into his grandfather’s condition and the family’s experience during this challenging time.

Jimmy Carter, who entered hospice care in February 2023, chose to spend his remaining days at his home in Plains, Georgia, surrounded by family. This decision came after forgoing further medical intervention. Jason Carter, the eldest of the Carter grandchildren, revealed that his grandfather’s condition varies daily, and he is not always awake.

“After 77 years of marriage, none of us can truly understand what it’s like for him right now,” Jason said. “We have to accept that there are aspects of the spirit that are beyond our comprehension.”

The former president’s health has remained relatively stable, with no significant changes reported in recent months. However, his baseline has shifted considerably from the active lifestyle he maintained well into his 90s, when he was often seen building homes and teaching Sunday school.

The death of Rosalynn Carter, Jimmy’s wife of 77 years, in November 2023, has profoundly affected him. Jason noted that a part of his grandfather has been missing since her passing. Despite this, the Carter family continues to visit frequently, cherishing the moments they have together, even if they cannot predict Jimmy’s state of alertness on any given day.

Jason recounted a recent visit where they watched a Braves game and discussed family matters and The Carter Center. “I told him, ‘Pawpaw, when people ask me how you’re doing, I say, ‘honestly, I don’t know,'” Jason shared. “And he kind of smiled and said, ‘I don’t know, myself.’ It was a sweet moment.”

Plains, Georgia, holds a special place in Jimmy Carter’s heart. It is where he has received the greatest support and where he feels most at peace. “Plains is the only place where he would go through this part of his life,” Jason said. “It’s his home in every way, and he has cherished the time and support he has received there.”

The Carters’ home, which they have owned since 1961, will be donated to the National Park Service after Jimmy’s passing. The house, which has been a significant part of their lives, will be turned into a museum, preserving the remarkable story of the Carters’ journey from a small town to the White House and back.

Jason reflected on the significance of Plains in his grandparents’ lives. “The fact that he and my grandmother both came from that small town—a 600-person village, really—it’s not near any interstate and is truly out in the country. It is a fundamental part of who he is and who he has been for his whole life. There is no other place in the world where he would be at peace other than Plains.”

The Carter Center, which has been a significant part of Jimmy Carter’s post-presidential life, has not provided further updates on his health. The former president has largely stayed out of the public eye since entering hospice care, except for attending Rosalynn’s memorial events.

As the Carter family navigates this difficult period, they continue to honor the legacy of both Jimmy and Rosalynn. The couple’s enduring love and commitment to each other and their community have left an indelible mark on those who know them.

Jimmy Carter’s life story is a testament to the power of resilience and dedication. From his humble beginnings in Plains to his time in the White House and his continued service through The Carter Center, his journey has been extraordinary. As he spends his final days in the place he loves most, surrounded by family and the memories of a life well-lived, the legacy of Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter will continue to inspire generations to come.

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