Han Seo Hee Criticized for Posting Fake Photos of RIIZE’s Wonbin

Han Seo Hee Criticized for Posting Fake Photos of RIIZE’s Wonbin

Han Seo Hee is facing backlash for allegedly using photos of RIIZE’s Wonbin to attract attention. The controversy erupted on June 17 when she posted an Instagram story featuring blurry images of a man wearing a baseball cap. Alongside the photo, she included a fan’s question, “Unnie, is there anything on Wonbin?” Han Seo Hee responded with the caption, “Who told you to go hunting bars without permission from Noona?”

In Korean slang, “hunting” refers to men approaching and flirting with women, often in bars or clubs. In her Instagram story, Han Seo Hee implied that Wonbin had been frequenting bars to pick up girls.

Fans and Korean netizens are buzzing in various online communities, criticizing Han Seo Hee for seeking clout with her latest social media post. Many accused her of using a “fake photo” and trying to gain attention by mentioning numerous male celebrities.

Korean netizens commented:
“Are you really spreading fake news by showing a photo of a guy who looks like Wonbin and claiming it’s him? You seriously need to go to jail again, haha. Or is this reverse marketing sent by a rival company? You claim to be close with Dispatch, so I’m highly suspicious.”
“Even if Han Seo Hee has nothing to lose, writing such a post and getting reported to the police for defamation—you’re really something too. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.”
“You’re just saying anything that comes to mind, aren’t you? It seems like all your past revelations were just fantasies from your imagination.”
“Why would Wonbin go to a hunting bar? Haha. He’s surrounded by female and male idols all the time. It would be so thrilling for him to go to a hunting bar, wouldn’t it?”
“That’s a fake Wonbin.”
“Are you really spreading fake news by showing a photo of a guy who looks like Wonbin and claiming it’s him? You seriously need to go to jail again, haha. Or is this reverse marketing sent by a rival company? You claim to be close with Dispatch, so I’m highly suspicious.”

The incident has sparked a heated debate online, with many questioning Han Seo Hee’s motives and the authenticity of her claims. Some netizens believe that she is using these tactics to stay relevant and in the public eye, while others think it might be a ploy orchestrated by a rival company to tarnish Wonbin’s reputation.

Han Seo Hee has a history of making controversial statements and accusations against various celebrities. This latest incident has only added fuel to the fire, with many calling for her to be held accountable for spreading false information.

The use of social media to spread rumors and false information is a growing concern, and this incident highlights the need for caution when consuming online content. It is essential to verify the authenticity of information before sharing it, as false claims can have serious consequences for those involved.

As the controversy continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how Han Seo Hee will respond to the backlash and whether any legal action will be taken against her for defamation. In the meantime, fans and netizens are urged to approach such claims with skepticism and to seek out verified sources of information.

The incident also raises questions about the responsibility of influencers and public figures in the digital age. With large followings and significant influence, they have the power to shape public opinion and spread information quickly. It is crucial for them to use this power responsibly and to be mindful of the potential impact of their actions.

In conclusion, Han Seo Hee’s recent Instagram post has sparked widespread criticism and debate, with many accusing her of using fake photos of RIIZE’s Wonbin to gain attention. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of verifying information before sharing it and the need for responsible use of social media by influencers and public figures.

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