Hannah Einbinder’s Tree Bit Shines in Everything Must Go

Hannah Einbinder’s Tree Bit Shines in Everything Must Go

Hannah Einbinder’s Tree Bit Shines in Everything Must Go

Hannah Einbinder, known for her role in “Hacks,” has made a remarkable debut in the stand-up comedy world with her special “Everything Must Go.” Premiering at the Tribeca Film Festival and now available on Max, Einbinder’s performance is a masterclass in blending humor with poignant social commentary.

The special opens with a familiar phrase, “You may be seated,” a nod to Einbinder’s Jewish heritage. This sets the tone for a show that is both deeply personal and universally relatable. Over the course of 55 minutes, Einbinder covers a wide range of topics, from the challenges of meditating with ADHD to the absurdity of trying to control nature by cutting down all the trees in America.

One of the standout moments in the special is Einbinder’s “tree bit.” This segment, which lasts over ten minutes, is a hilarious yet insightful exploration of climate change and its impact on our lives. Einbinder starts with a reference to Alfred Stefferud’s 1949 article, which recommended planting only male trees in urban areas. She humorously explains how this decision has led to an increase in allergies due to toxic pollen, drawing a clever parallel to “toxic masculinity.”

Einbinder’s delivery is captivating. Her tone, cadence, and urgency are reminiscent of a pastor at a megachurch or a conspiracy theorist, making the audience hang on her every word. She seamlessly transitions from one topic to another, keeping the audience engaged and entertained throughout.

The visual elements of the show are equally impressive. The lighting design, inspired by David Lynch and the Barbra Streisand version of “A Star Is Born,” adds a theatrical quality to the performance. Einbinder’s movements across the stage, accompanied by blue lighting and jazz music, create a noir-like atmosphere that enhances the overall experience.

Einbinder’s humor is not just about making people laugh; it’s about making them think. She uses her platform to address serious issues like climate change, capitalism, and the complexities of human relationships. Her jokes are like “time capsules” of her life, each one a snapshot of her thoughts and experiences.

One of the most memorable moments in the special is when Einbinder talks about her Jewish identity. She humorously describes herself as a “bad Jew” who only knows the Hebrew word “shalom.” At her grandmother’s funeral, she worries about not knowing the final prayer. But then, in a moment of divine inspiration, she begins to sing in Hebrew. The lights dim, and a spotlight shines on her as she sings “Yerushalayim Shel Zahav,” creating a powerful and emotional scene.

Einbinder’s ability to blend humor with heartfelt moments is what sets her apart. She has a unique talent for making the audience laugh while also making them reflect on important issues. Her command of the stage is evident in every moment, from her sultry movements to her knowing glances at the camera.

As the show comes to a close, Einbinder shares one last story from her grandmother’s funeral before dramatically collapsing onto the stage. It’s a fitting end to a performance that has taken the audience on an emotional rollercoaster. But just before the screen fades to black, Einbinder turns to the camera one last time, hinting that she has more stories to tell and more jokes to share.

“Everything Must Go” is a strong debut for Einbinder in the world of stand-up comedy. Her unique blend of humor and social commentary, combined with her captivating stage presence, makes this special a must-watch. If the tree bit is any indication, there’s plenty more excitement to come from Hannah Einbinder.

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