Harvey Weinstein in Hospital with Covid and Double Pneumonia His Team Says

Harvey Weinstein in Hospital with Covid and Double Pneumonia His Team Says

Harvey Weinstein, the former Hollywood mogul, has been hospitalized due to a range of serious health issues, including a positive test for COVID-19 and double pneumonia. His representative, Craig Rothfeld, confirmed that Weinstein is currently receiving treatment at the Bellevue Hospital Prison Ward in New York City.

At 72 years old, Weinstein is grappling with multiple health conditions that have plagued him for years. Rothfeld detailed that Weinstein suffers from diabetes, high blood pressure, spinal stenosis, and fluid accumulation on his heart and lungs. These ongoing health challenges have necessitated his hospitalization.

In addition to these chronic conditions, Weinstein’s recent diagnosis of COVID-19 and double pneumonia has raised concerns about his overall health. Rothfeld emphasized the severity of the situation, stating that Weinstein is being treated for these new complications alongside his existing medical issues.

Weinstein’s legal troubles are as significant as his health concerns. He was convicted in both New York and Los Angeles for various sex offenses. In Los Angeles, he received a 16-year prison sentence, while in New York, he was sentenced to 23 years. However, in April, a state appellate court overturned his 2020 rape conviction, citing judicial errors that allowed testimony from women regarding allegations not included in the case.

As Weinstein awaits retrial in New York, he is also appealing his conviction in California. His legal team is preparing for a new trial, which is expected to commence after Labor Day. Prosecutors in New York are pursuing additional charges against him, alleging that he raped more women than those involved in his previous prosecution.

Weinstein’s health has been a topic of concern for some time. He has been hospitalized multiple times in recent years, including a visit to Bellevue Hospital in 2020 for chest pains shortly after his sentencing. Reports indicate that he underwent a heart procedure to address a blocked artery following his conviction.

In April, shortly after the appellate court’s decision to overturn his New York conviction, Weinstein was hospitalized again. His attorney, Arthur L. Aidala, stated that the New York City Department of Correction determined Weinstein required immediate medical attention, leading to a series of tests and observation.

Aidala has previously commented on Weinstein’s drastic lifestyle changes since his incarceration, noting that the former mogul, once accustomed to luxury, now finds himself in a starkly different environment. “Harvey Weinstein was used to drinking champagne and eating caviar and now he’s at the commissary paying for potato chips and M&Ms,” Aidala remarked. Despite his physical decline, he asserted that Weinstein remains mentally sharp.

Weinstein’s appearances in court have been marked by visible signs of his deteriorating health. He has been seen using a walker and wheelchair, highlighting the toll that his health issues have taken on him.

As Weinstein’s legal battles continue, the implications of his health condition add another layer of complexity to his situation. The upcoming retrial in New York is set against the backdrop of his ongoing health struggles, which could potentially impact the proceedings.

In summary, Harvey Weinstein’s hospitalization for COVID-19 and double pneumonia, coupled with his existing health issues, paints a grim picture for the former Hollywood executive. As he navigates the legal system and awaits retrial, his health remains a critical concern for both his representatives and the public.

Source: CBS News, NBC News

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