Has David Zaslav Found a New Publicist at Warner Bros Discovery

Has David Zaslav Found a New Publicist at Warner Bros Discovery

David Zaslav, the CEO of Warner Bros. Discovery, is on the brink of appointing a new chief publicist after a prolonged and high-stakes search. This move comes six months after the unexpected departure of Nathaniel Brown, the company’s former chief communications officer. Brown’s exit left a significant void, especially as Warner Bros. Discovery grapples with various challenges, including Zaslav’s hefty compensation package and the potential loss of NBA broadcasting rights.

The new publicist, described as a “big name out of the box,” is expected to bring political experience to the role. An insider at Warner Bros. Discovery hinted that the new hire would be similar to Geoff Morrell, the former Disney communications chief, but clarified it would not be Morrell himself. In the interim, Zaslav has been consulting with external PR experts and relying on Katie Martin Kelley, the EVP of Communications for Warner Bros. Motion Picture Group. Kelley, who joined from MGM last year, has been handling the role on a temporary basis.

Zaslav and Brown had their share of disagreements, notably over Zaslav’s decision to host a lavish party in Cannes with Graydon Carter, the former Vanity Fair editor, at the onset of the writers’ strike. Ignoring Brown’s advice about the negative optics, Zaslav and Carter hosted the event in matching white suits. This year, the Cannes celebration was a more subdued affair, hosted by Warner Bros. Film Group CEOs Michael DeLuca and Pamela Abdy, with Zaslav and Carter notably absent.

The search for a new publicist is crucial for Zaslav, who has faced several public relations challenges. Recently, a GQ article critical of Zaslav was taken down shortly after publication, reportedly due to pressure from Zaslav’s camp. The article had described Zaslav as “public enemy number one in Hollywood.” GQ later posted a more neutral version, but the writer requested his byline be removed, leading to the article’s complete removal. This incident has raised questions about journalistic integrity and transparency, especially since GQ’s Editor-In-Chief Will Welch is involved in producing a Warner Bros. movie.

This situation underscores the importance of transparency and integrity in journalism. While Warner Bros. Discovery claims no corporate-level awareness of Welch’s ties to the movie studio, the incident has left audiences feeling misled. Addressing legitimate errors in the original article should have been done openly, with detailed editor’s notes, to maintain reader confidence.

Zaslav’s PR challenges extend beyond this incident. His role in the writers’ strike and decisions surrounding former CNN head Chris Licht have also drawn criticism. These issues contribute to a perception of Zaslav as thin-skinned and insecure, exemplified by the removal of the GQ article, which has had a Streisand Effect, drawing more attention to the controversy.

As Zaslav prepares to present at Bernstein’s 40th Annual Strategic Decisions Conference, the appointment of a new publicist could not come at a more critical time. Warner Bros. Discovery continues to navigate a complex media landscape, and effective communication will be key to managing its public image.

The new publicist will have a challenging role, balancing the need to promote Warner Bros. Discovery’s diverse portfolio of content while addressing the various controversies surrounding Zaslav. The company’s extensive reach, with brands like Discovery Channel, HBO, CNN, and more, means that the new publicist will need to be adept at handling a wide range of media and public relations issues.

In the meantime, Zaslav’s reliance on external PR consultants and internal support from Kelley highlights the urgency of finding a permanent solution. The new publicist will need to quickly establish a strategy to manage Zaslav’s public image and address the company’s ongoing challenges.

As Warner Bros. Discovery continues to evolve, the role of the new publicist will be crucial in shaping the company’s future. With Zaslav at the helm, the new hire will need to navigate a complex landscape, balancing the need for positive press with the realities of the company’s challenges. The appointment of a new publicist marks a significant step in Warner Bros. Discovery’s efforts to manage its public image and address the various issues it faces.

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