Historic Decision by Pope Francis: The Primatial See of Argentina Will No Longer Be Buenos Aires and Will Move to Santiago del Estero

Historic Decision by Pope Francis: The Primatial See of Argentina Will No Longer Be Buenos Aires and Will Move to Santiago del Estero

Pope Francis has made a historic decision to move the primacy of the Catholic Church in Argentina from Buenos Aires to Santiago del Estero. This shift was formally granted to Buenos Aires in 1936 by Pope Pius XI.

In a joint statement released by the dioceses of Buenos Aires and Santiago del Estero, church officials explained the historical basis for this decision. They noted that in 1570, Pope Pius V established what was then called the Diocese of Tucumán, with its seat in what is now Santiago del Estero.

The official decree announcing this change will be executed in Buenos Aires on Sunday, August 25, and in Santiago del Estero on Saturday, September 7. The statement, signed by Archbishop Jorge Ignacio García Cuerva of Buenos Aires and Bishop Vicente Bokalic Iglic CM of Santiago del Estero, addresses “the People of God” and describes the shift as “a significant restoration in the ecclesiastical history of our homeland.”

Both bishops encouraged the faithful to embrace this papal decision with joy. They highlighted the importance of living in truth, which liberates individuals, and urged for a more inclusive perspective on the national territory in light of a renewed federal purpose, including within the church’s structure.

The historical reasoning for this transition goes back to 1570, when the Diocese of Tucumán was created. At that time, the region was separated from Chile by a decree from the King of Spain and became part of the Audiencia of Charcas. Initially, the Diocese of Tucumán included areas such as Córdoba, La Rioja, Catamarca, Tucumán, Santiago del Estero, Salta, Jujuy, Tarija, and Nueva Orán. Its first cathedral was located at the Church of San Pedro and San Pablo in what is now Santiago del Estero.

In 1699, with the establishment of the Episcopal See in Córdoba, much of the original territory of the Diocese of Tucumán was absorbed. It wasn’t until 1907 that the current Diocese of Santiago del Estero was officially created, in the same area where the first Episcopal See had once operated. This new diocese was significant as it marked the place where the Gospel was first preached in these lands, which would eventually become Argentina.

This announcement is still developing, and further updates are expected as the transition approaches.

Image and News Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/07/22/historica-decision-del-papa-francisco-la-sede-primada-de-la-argentina-dejara-de-ser-buenos-aires-y-pasara-a-santiago-del-estero/

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