Homes Under the Hammer star provides health update following cancer diagnosis

Homes Under the Hammer star provides health update following cancer diagnosis

**Homes Under the Hammer Star Provides Health Update Following Cancer Diagnosis**

Tommy Walsh, the beloved star of “Homes Under the Hammer,” has shared an encouraging update on his health following a lung cancer diagnosis earlier this year. The 67-year-old TV personality, who first gained fame on the 90s show “Ground Force,” has been undergoing a cutting-edge treatment on the NHS, which has shown promising results.

In January, Tommy revealed that he had been diagnosed with lung cancer. Since then, he has been receiving Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SABR), a specialized form of radiotherapy that targets cancer cells with precision, minimizing damage to surrounding organs. This treatment has been instrumental in shrinking his tumor.

Tommy recently spoke to The Mirror about his treatment journey. “I had to have this new treatment called SABR, which targets the cancer to an exact spot without damaging the organs around it,” he explained. “They used that, and it shrunk. It is now not anywhere else. It is going away. Because it is shrinking, it will shrink down to nothing and disappear.”

The news of his shrinking tumor has been a significant relief for Tommy, who initially feared the worst when doctors discovered a three-centimeter tumor in his lung. He shared his initial reaction during a conference for The Swallows Head & Neck Cancer charity in November 2023. “I had a chest infection, had to go to the doctor, and they sent me up to the hospital for a CT scan. They think there’s a three-centimeter tumor in the lung,” he recounted.

This isn’t Tommy’s first battle with cancer. In 2002, he had two benign lumps removed from his chest. Twenty years later, he successfully underwent surgery to remove a cancerous tumor from his throat. Despite these challenges, Tommy has remained resilient and optimistic.

Reflecting on his current treatment, Tommy expressed gratitude for the NHS and the advanced care he has received. “The SABR treatment has worked, and I am healthy, so I have not been in any pain,” he said. He also emphasized his preference for NHS treatment over private healthcare, stating, “I wouldn’t want to go anywhere else for my treatment.”

Tommy’s positive outlook and determination have been a source of inspiration for many. He has been candid about his health struggles, hoping to raise awareness and encourage others to seek medical help when needed. “I’ve tried to keep cheerful, and you’ve cheered me up today,” he told the audience at the charity event. “Thank you for letting me reminisce and talk.”

Tommy’s journey has not been without its challenges. He was recently axed from “Homes Under the Hammer” after three years on the show. He joined the BBC property renovation program in 2021 alongside Martin Roberts, Martel Maxwell, and ex-footballer Dion Dublin. However, he has since been replaced by Radio 2 host Owain Wyn Evans.

Despite this setback, Tommy remains focused on his health and recovery. He continues to undergo regular check-ups to monitor his progress. “I will then just have to have annual checks,” he said. “It has worked for me really well.”

Tommy’s story is a testament to the importance of early detection and advanced medical treatments. His experience with SABR highlights the potential of targeted radiotherapy in treating cancer effectively while minimizing side effects. As he continues his journey towards remission, Tommy’s resilience and positive attitude serve as an inspiration to many facing similar battles.

In addition to his health updates, Tommy has also shared his gratitude for the support he has received from fans and loved ones. “I’ve tried to keep cheerful, and you’ve cheered me up today,” he said. “Thank you for letting me reminisce and talk.”

Tommy’s journey is a reminder of the importance of seeking medical help when experiencing symptoms and the potential of advanced treatments like SABR in improving outcomes for cancer patients. As he continues to fight and beat cancer, Tommy’s story offers hope and inspiration to many.

Source: The Mirror, BBC

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