Horacio Fazio on the Threat from Iran: “We Should Be Worried”

Horacio Fazio on the Threat from Iran: “We Should Be Worried”

Days before the 30th anniversary of the AMIA bombing, the Tehran Times, which serves as the voice of the Iranian regime, reiterated its rejection of Argentina’s alleged accusations against Iranian citizens. The publication also condemned Javier Milei’s alignment with the United States and Israel, issuing an implicit threat against the country.

To shed light on this situation, Canal E spoke with Horacio Fazio, an economist and doctor of philosophy. He commented that Milei’s public stance on his religious beliefs and related international actions may come off as unnecessarily explicit.

Fazio emphasized that everyone is entitled to their own religious beliefs, but he believes these should remain personal, rooted in reflection and meditation, rather than being aired publicly. He cautioned that Milei needs to consider the historical continuity of the country, as well as its traditions and long-standing international relationships.

Discussing the threats from Iran, Fazio noted that such positions could trigger reactions from radicalized sectors. He recalled the situation during Menem’s presidency, where his Arab origins and conversion to Catholicism influenced political stances regarding the Middle East, which led to horrific outcomes, including bombings that cannot be justified.

Fazio argued that, regardless of the specific details and individuals involved, we should be more concerned about the troubling actions unfolding in today’s world. He remarked that Argentina has been shaped by immigration from various nations, including not just Italians and Spaniards, but also Arabs and Europeans, who have historically coexisted peacefully. He concluded that these international relationships and attitudes are fragile and could lead to serious consequences.

Source: https://www.perfil.com/noticias/canal-e/horacio-fazio-sobre-la-amenaza-de-iran-tendriamos-que-estar-preocupados.phtml

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