How Erin Andrews’ Cancer Journey and IVF Changed Her Relationship with Husband

How Erin Andrews’ Cancer Journey and IVF Changed Her Relationship with Husband

Sportscaster Erin Andrews spent her 20s and 30s building a successful career on the sidelines of NHL and NFL games, becoming a prominent figure in sports broadcasting. However, her life took a dramatic turn in 2016 when she was diagnosed with cervical cancer. This diagnosis prompted her to focus on another dream: starting a family with her then-boyfriend, now-husband, retired hockey player Jarret Stoll. What followed was nearly a decade of fertility treatments, heartbreak, and struggle, but the couple never lost hope. Two weeks ago, Andrews and Stoll were overjoyed to welcome their first child, son Mack, via surrogate.

Andrews shared her journey to motherhood, detailing how she stayed grounded through heartbreak and loss, and why she is now committed to making surrogacy more accessible for every family. She explained that she was very work-driven immediately out of college, always aiming to achieve as much as she could before turning 40. Her personal life took a backseat as she worked multiple sports a week, first with ESPN and then with Fox Sports.

Andrews started freezing her eggs at 35, realizing she hadn’t met the right partner yet but still wanted to be a mom. She admitted that back then, freezing eggs wasn’t as commonly discussed as it is now. She wished someone had advised her to freeze her eggs earlier, as it would have been a good insurance policy for her future.

Three years into dating Stoll, Andrews was diagnosed with cervical cancer. This diagnosis forced them to confront serious issues, even though they weren’t yet engaged. Her oncologist advised them to start freezing eggs immediately, as they didn’t know if a hysterectomy would be necessary. Despite having frozen some eggs before her diagnosis, Andrews struggled to produce more due to the stress on her body.

The couple faced numerous challenges, including multiple surgeries for cancer and failed attempts at getting pregnant. Andrews described the emotional toll of fertility treatments, including the physical changes and the strain on their relationship. She recalled having to inject herself with medication during football games, often running to a bathroom with a needle in hand.

In 2020, during the pandemic, Andrews and Stoll decided to pursue surrogacy after realizing that further attempts to transfer embryos into her uterus were unlikely to succeed. They started working with surrogacy companies, hoping to find a surrogate who could help them achieve their dream of becoming parents.

Their first attempt with a surrogate in 2021 ended in heartbreak when they lost two embryos. Andrews described the emotional pain of seeing other couples have children while they struggled. Despite the setbacks, they continued their search and eventually found a surrogate who was a perfect fit for them.

The day they found out the transfer had worked was filled with anxiety and anticipation. Andrews recalled having a panic attack on a plane, fearing the worst. When they finally received the news that they were pregnant, the relief and joy were overwhelming.

Experiencing pregnancy with their surrogate was a positive and bonding experience. Andrews praised their surrogate for her calm and loving nature, which complemented her own more anxious personality. The couple developed a close friendship with their surrogate and her family, sharing special moments together.

Andrews acknowledged the stigma surrounding surrogacy and emphasized the importance of normalizing conversations about it. She expressed her desire to help other families navigate the surrogacy journey and make it more accessible. She mentioned working with organizations like Family Match Consulting and Baby Quest, which help raise funds for families struggling with infertility.

The best part of being a mom, Andrews said, is seeing her husband with their son, Mack. She described the joy of watching Stoll bond with their baby and the excitement of sharing their love for sports with him. Andrews is looking forward to the next chapter of their lives, including watching games together and taking Mack to the hockey rink.

Andrews’ journey to motherhood has been filled with challenges, but she remains grateful for the support and love she has received. She hopes to use her platform to raise awareness about infertility and surrogacy, helping other families achieve their dreams of parenthood.

Source: Glamour,, Us Weekly, Shape, Health, E! News

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