Howie Mandel Says Wife High Not Drunk When Found in Pool of Blood

Howie Mandel Says Wife High Not Drunk When Found in Pool of Blood

Howie Mandel recently opened up about a terrifying incident involving his wife, Terry Mandel, during their stay in Las Vegas. Contrary to initial assumptions, Terry was not drunk but high on marijuana gummies when she suffered a severe fall that left her in a pool of blood. The “America’s Got Talent” judge felt compelled to clarify the situation to dispel any misconceptions about his wife’s condition.

During an appearance on “Live With Kelly and Mark,” Howie recounted the harrowing night. After a fun evening out, Terry got out of bed in the middle of the night and accidentally walked into a wall. She then fell, hitting her face on the wainscoting, which resulted in a deep gash on her forehead and a broken cheek. Howie described waking up to find his wife face down in a corner, bleeding profusely. He initially didn’t realize the extent of her injuries until he saw her skull through the gash.

In a subsequent interview on “TMZ Live,” Howie emphasized that Terry was not drunk, as many had assumed. “She wasn’t drunk,” he clarified. “She’s so worried that people are going to intervene … she doesn’t have an alcohol problem. I’m gonna tell you the truth — she took gummies.” The comedian explained that Terry had consumed marijuana edibles, which led to her disoriented state.

Howie detailed the chaotic moments following the fall. He tried to help Terry by placing her back on the bed and using towels to stop the bleeding. When she asked for ice, he improvised with a cold soda can, which she promptly threw across the room because it hurt her face. It was only then that Howie realized the severity of her injuries. “I could actually see her skull,” he said, describing his panic as he called the front desk to summon emergency services.

The situation took a bizarre turn when hotel security arrived. Seeing the blood and soda cans strewn across the room, they initially suspected Howie of domestic violence. “They’ve got me against the TV,” he recalled. “My wife is covered in blood all over the bed. There’s cans that have been thrown across the room.” Terry, still disoriented, inadvertently fueled their suspicions by repeatedly saying she didn’t know what had happened. Howie urged her to explain that he was trying to help, but the confusion only deepened.

Eventually, the misunderstanding was cleared up, and Terry received the medical attention she needed. Howie expressed immense relief that his wife had recovered without any lasting scars. “She is absolutely perfect,” he said, noting her resilience and sense of humor. Despite the ordeal, Terry managed to tease Howie about the incident, jokingly promising to be a “good girl” in front of other hotel guests.

The incident serves as a cautionary tale about the potential dangers of consuming substances like marijuana edibles, especially in unfamiliar settings. Howie and Terry’s experience underscores the importance of being cautious and aware of one’s surroundings, particularly in dark hotel rooms after a night of partying.

Howie Mandel’s candid recounting of the event highlights the couple’s strong bond and sense of humor, even in the face of a frightening situation. Their story also sheds light on the misconceptions and stigmas surrounding substance use, emphasizing the need for understanding and clarity.

As Terry continues to recover, Howie remains grateful for her well-being and the support they received. The couple’s ordeal is a reminder that accidents can happen to anyone, and it’s crucial to approach such situations with care and compassion.

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