Howie Mandel Says Wife Was High on Edibles Before Injury

Howie Mandel Says Wife Was High on Edibles Before Injury

Howie Mandel Says Wife Was High on Edibles Before Injury

Howie Mandel has come forward to clarify the circumstances surrounding his wife Terry Mandel’s recent head injury. The 68-year-old comedian revealed on “TMZ Live” that Terry was not under the influence of alcohol when she fell, but rather high on edibles.

“She was so worried that people were going to intervene with her alcohol — she doesn’t have an alcohol problem,” Howie explained. “I’m going to tell you the truth: she took gummies.”

Howie reiterated this point, emphasizing that Terry’s accident was not due to alcohol consumption. “I said we had a great night, we got a little tipsy, and she got out of bed in the middle of the night and fell,” he recounted, referring to the story he initially shared on “Live with Kelly and Mark.”

The incident, which took place in a Las Vegas hotel, left Terry with a broken cheek and a black eye. Howie showed a photo of her injuries to the talk show audience, revealing a sizable gash on her forehead and large purple bruising around her eye.

“She hit that as she went down. She slipped, went down, hit that on her eye, then fell on the floor and broke her cheek,” Howie described. The fall was so severe that “you could actually see her skull,” he added.

Howie recounted the terrifying moment he saw his wife’s injuries. “I freaked out,” he admitted. “I picked her up, I put her on the bed. There’s blood everywhere.”

He continued, “I went and grabbed all the towels, and all the towels are covered with blood.” In an attempt to cool the wound, Howie used cold soda cans from the mini fridge, which Terry threw across the room.

Despite the severity of the fall, Howie assured viewers that Terry has been “doing well” since the accident and looks “absolutely perfect” without any scarring.

Howie felt the need to clear the air because some media outlets had reported that Terry was drunk when she fell. “Don’t get it twisted,” he said. “Terry doesn’t have a drinking problem. She just ate weed gummies and fell hard in the room, walking around when I was fast asleep.”

Howie initially used the term “tipsy” to describe Terry’s state because he didn’t want to say she was high. However, he now believes that “weed is more respectable than alcohol these days.”

The comedian also shared a humorous anecdote about how Terry’s injuries and the bloody mess in their hotel room almost led to him being suspected of domestic violence. “Howie’s got a great sense of humor about the whole thing,” a source said, “but it sounds like Terry’s comedic genius did him no favors in Vegas.”

Howie Mandel’s clarification sheds light on the true nature of the incident, emphasizing that Terry’s fall was a result of consuming edibles, not alcohol. The couple hopes that this explanation will put any misconceptions to rest.

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