Howie Mandel’s Wife Ate Pot Gummies Before Vegas Fall

Howie Mandel’s Wife Ate Pot Gummies Before Vegas Fall

Howie Mandel recently set the record straight about his wife Terry’s alarming fall in Las Vegas, clarifying that it was not alcohol but pot gummies that led to the incident. The America’s Got Talent judge shared the harrowing details on Live with Kelly and Mark, recounting how he found Terry in a pool of blood in their hotel room.

Mandel initially described the night as a wild one, mentioning that Terry was “tipsy” and had gotten up in the middle of the night, only to walk into a wall and fall, hitting her eye and breaking her cheek. However, in a subsequent interview with TMZ, Mandel corrected the narrative, revealing that Terry had consumed marijuana edibles, not alcohol.

“She doesn’t have an alcohol problem,” Mandel emphasized. “She took gummies. So, it’s not an alcohol problem. She was on pot.” He explained that he used the term “tipsy” as a general descriptor for her impaired state, but it led to misunderstandings and concerns about her alcohol consumption.

The incident was terrifying for Mandel, who described the scene in vivid detail. “I picked her up, I put her on the bed, there’s blood everywhere. I went and grabbed all the towels, all the towels are covered with blood,” he recalled. “I saw her head, and you could actually see her skull. It opened up. I freaked.”

Mandel called for help, and Terry was quickly taken to the hospital, where she thankfully recovered. The comedian’s recounting of the event was both shocking and emotional, highlighting the severity of the situation and his immediate fear for his wife’s well-being.

The story took an unexpected turn when Mandel shared that the hotel staff initially suspected him of domestic violence due to the bloody scene. “They started taking pictures of the blood on the floor, the cans and everything,” he said, noting that he was suddenly a suspect. “If somebody was ever beat up in that room, I promise it would be me. I am the most annoying person in the world. My wife is a saint.”

Despite the frightening experience, Mandel managed to find humor in the situation, a testament to his comedic nature. He also reassured everyone that Terry had made a full recovery and was “absolutely perfect” with no lasting scars.

The couple, who have been married for over 40 years, share a deep bond that began in high school. They have three children together and have weathered many storms, but this incident was particularly alarming for Mandel.

The story serves as a reminder of the potential dangers of consuming marijuana edibles, especially in unfamiliar environments. Mandel’s candidness about the incident sheds light on the importance of understanding and respecting the effects of such substances.

As the news spread, Mandel’s clarification helped to dispel any misconceptions about his wife’s condition and the nature of the incident. It also highlighted the couple’s resilience and the strength of their relationship, even in the face of such a terrifying ordeal.

Mandel’s willingness to share the story publicly underscores his commitment to transparency and his desire to set the record straight. It also serves as a cautionary tale for others, emphasizing the need for caution and awareness when consuming substances that can impair judgment and coordination.

In the end, the incident brought the couple closer together and reinforced their bond. Mandel’s humor and honesty in recounting the event provided a unique perspective on a serious situation, reminding everyone of the importance of love, support, and understanding in times of crisis.

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