Inside Out 2 is here and Riley’s dad is still riling fans up

Inside Out 2 is here and Riley’s dad is still riling fans up

The much-anticipated release of Disney-Pixar’s “Inside Out 2” is just around the corner, and it’s arriving in theaters just two days before Father’s Day. This timing couldn’t be more perfect, considering the internet’s long-standing fascination with Riley’s dad, Bill Andersen, voiced by Kyle MacLachlan. For nearly a decade, fans have been swooning over this animated character, and the sequel is reigniting that fervor.

Animated films have given us several memorable dads, from King Triton in “The Little Mermaid” to Tui in “Moana,” and Zeus in “Hercules.” However, Riley’s dad from “Inside Out” has sparked a unique level of enthusiasm among fans. His dark features, perfect teeth, and modest demeanor have made him a standout character, and the internet has not been shy about expressing their admiration.

BuzzFeed’s Christian Zamora once wrote, “Dad is A M-A-N-W-H-O-C-A-N-T-U-R-N-M-E-I-N-S-I-D-E-O-U-T. Dark features. Perfect teeth. And a modest ass. Dad’s got it all.” This sentiment captures the essence of why Bill Andersen has become such a beloved character.

Recreating Riley’s dad for the sequel was no easy task. Production designer Jason Deamer revealed to Polygon that it was “weirdly hard” to get his look just right. Despite having his original face geometry, something was off. Deamer explained, “All we ended up doing was taking his eyes and doing that [makes a gesture indicating furrowing the character’s brows and pushing them forward a little more]. I swear to God. And then it was like, Oh, there he is!”

Indeed, there he is. The internet’s love for Bill Andersen hasn’t waned over the years. Social media is abuzz with fans expressing their excitement and hopes for the character in “Inside Out 2.”

One user tweeted, “omg inside out 2?! manifesting the father, bill andersen, shirtless rn,” while another shared, “I feel like it’ll actually be so unsurprising to hear I was really into the parents from inside out and made up a bunch of lore for a brief amount of time. bill andersen the man you are to Me.”

The admiration for Riley’s dad extends beyond just his looks. Some fans have even taken it as a compliment to be compared to him. One user tweeted, “Someone last night said I looked like the dad from inside out and I’ve never felt more hot.”

Others are eagerly anticipating more screen time for Bill Andersen in the sequel. “If ‘Inside Out 2’ does not at least get Riley’s Dad shirtless I swear to god,” one fan tweeted, while another added, “I would say I’m excited to see Inside Out 2 but I know I’m only saying that because Riley’s dad is a dilf.”

The release of “Inside Out 2” is not just a cinematic event; it’s a cultural moment for fans who have been captivated by Riley’s dad since the first film. The character’s appeal lies in his relatability and the genuine affection he shows for his family, making him a standout among animated dads.

As the release date approaches, the excitement continues to build. Fans are ready to see what new adventures await Riley and her emotions, but it’s clear that Bill Andersen will be a significant draw for many. The internet’s love for this character is a testament to the impact he has had and continues to have on audiences.

So, as “Inside Out 2” hits theaters, fans will be watching closely, not just for the story and the emotions, but for the return of Riley’s dad, who has become an unexpected icon in the world of animated films. Whether it’s his dark features, perfect teeth, or the genuine warmth he exudes, Bill Andersen has secured a special place in the hearts of many, and his return is eagerly anticipated.

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