Iran Court Overturns Rapper Tomaj Salehi’s Death Sentence According to Lawyer

Iran Court Overturns Rapper Tomaj Salehi’s Death Sentence According to Lawyer

Iran’s Supreme Court has overturned the death sentence of rapper Tomaj Salehi, according to his lawyer, Amir Raisian. The court has ordered a retrial for Salehi, who was initially sentenced to death in April for “corruption on Earth” and other charges, including “assistance in sedition” and “propaganda against the state.”

Salehi, 33, was arrested in October 2022 after supporting protests triggered by the death of Mahsa Amini in police custody. Following his arrest, he spent over a year in prison, including 252 days in solitary confinement, and reported being severely tortured. He was released on bail but was rearrested in December 2023.

The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the death sentence has been welcomed by human rights organizations and Salehi’s supporters. However, concerns remain about his potential imprisonment and the broader treatment of dissidents in Iran.

Salehi’s case has drawn international attention, with numerous celebrities and human rights groups calling for his release. His cousin and social media manager emphasized the importance of international solidarity in achieving this outcome but also highlighted ongoing oppressive conditions in Iran.

Salehi’s lawyer and supporters continue to advocate for his unconditional freedom, arguing that he has done nothing more than exercise his right to free expression through his music.

Source: BBC News, Reuters, Amnesty International

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