Irene Taylor Academy Award-nominated director told AFP Dion’s ask was to tell her own story in her own words

Irene Taylor Academy Award-nominated director told AFP Dion’s ask was to tell her own story in her own words

Celine Dion, the iconic music legend, reaffirmed her unwavering passion for performing despite her ongoing health challenges. On the red carpet at the premiere of her new documentary “I Am: Celine Dion,” she declared, “I’m not dead,” emphasizing that her health struggles are merely a small part of her vast story.

The documentary, which delves into her illustrious career and recent battles with a rare neurological disorder, showcases Dion’s resilience. “When life imposes something on you, you have two options. You deal with it or you don’t want to deal with it,” Dion remarked. She described her decision to share her condition in the film as both “the greatest gift and the greatest responsibility,” hoping it would inspire others facing similar challenges.

Switching to her native French, Dion expressed the difficulty of being present but also her deep sense of gratitude. “It’s hard to be here. But at the same time, I’m so moved,” she said, acknowledging the support from her family, medical team, and fans. “Even if it’s a forever fight, one day at a time.”

In December 2022, Dion revealed her diagnosis of Stiff Person Syndrome, a progressive autoimmune disorder with no cure. This condition, which causes stiff muscles and severe spasms, has significantly impacted her ability to perform, leading to the indefinite cancellation of her shows. Despite this, Dion remains hopeful, stating, “The show will still go on,” while stressing the importance of honesty about her physical and emotional struggles.

Irene Taylor, the Academy Award-nominated director of the documentary, shared that Dion’s primary request was to tell her own story in her own words. “Would that be possible? Instead of other people talking about me?” Dion had asked. Taylor found this approach refreshing, noting, “She just opened up and was very authentic, in her joy and also in her suffering.”

The intimate film features archival footage of Dion’s performances and tender moments at home with her children and dogs, offering a cozy portrayal of her life beyond the stage. However, it also highlights the severity of her condition, including a heart-wrenching scene of Dion suffering from a seizure, leaving her immobile and unable to speak. This poignant moment moved many in the audience to tears.

Despite the focus on her illness, the documentary underscores Dion’s love for her family, friends, and music. Her joy in life and unshakeable sense of humor shine through, even as she grapples with the loss of her once-powerful voice. The film, which will begin streaming globally on June 25 on Prime Video, serves as a testament to her enduring spirit.

Earlier this year, Dion made a surprise appearance at the Grammy Awards, presenting the Album of the Year award to Taylor Swift. This rare public appearance was a reminder of her enduring presence in the music industry, despite her health challenges. Over her decades-long career, Dion has sold more than 250 million albums, solidifying her status as a music legend.

Speaking to a packed hall in Manhattan ahead of the screening, Dion compared herself to an apple tree, a metaphor she also uses in the film. She explained that she has always felt the need to produce “shiny fruit” for her fans, who have supported her through thick and thin. Dion was moved to tears as she recounted a fan’s message, “We’re not here for the apples – we’re here for the tree.”

“This movie is my love letter to each of you,” she said to a standing ovation. “And I hope to see you all again very soon.”

Dion’s journey, as depicted in the documentary, is a powerful narrative of resilience, love, and the unyielding spirit of a performer who refuses to let her health define her. Her story, told in her own words, is a testament to her strength and an inspiration to many.

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