ITV in Galicia: How Much It Costs and How to Make an Appointment

ITV in Galicia: How Much It Costs and How to Make an Appointment

The General Directorate of Traffic emphasizes the significance of the Technical Vehicle Inspection (ITV) as a critical measure for ensuring road safety and reducing the environmental impact of vehicles. In Spain, this inspection is mandatory and checks whether vehicles comply with safety standards and emission regulations. Failing to undergo the ITV can lead to fines or, in severe cases, the immobilization of the vehicle until necessary repairs are made.

Every year, millions of vehicles in Spain undergo the ITV. According to recent data from the Ministry of Transport for 2022, nearly 20 million vehicles are inspected annually. However, a study by the Spanish Association of Collaborating Entities for Technical Vehicle Inspection (AECA-ITV) reveals that nearly 40% of vehicles on the country’s roads have not passed the ITV, which amounts to around three million vehicles.

The approval rate varies, but generally, about 80% of vehicles pass the inspection on their first attempt. The remaining 20% need to make repairs and return for another inspection. Common issues that prevent vehicles from passing this check often relate to the braking system, lighting, signaling, and tire conditions.

Each autonomous community in Spain is responsible for setting the ITV prices, which can vary significantly from one region to another. They also have the authority to liberalize the sector, allowing both public and private ITV stations to operate under the same regulations. Despite the variation in stations, the requirements and tests for passing the ITV remain consistent.

In Galicia, for instance, there are 26 fixed ITV stations and ten mobile units. The most prominent accredited company in the region charges €41.96 for gasoline cars with a catalytic converter and €36.95 for those without one. For diesel cars registered after 1980, the cost is €50.12, while those registered before that date are assessed at €36.95. Motorcycles are charged €16.37 for their ITV.

Electric cars are also required to undergo the ITV just like any other vehicle, as there is currently no specific law governing these environmentally friendly and non-polluting engines. Although some regions offer special pricing for electric vehicles, Galicia does not have any specific rates for them. The prices set for inspections include a fee for the management of the service (around €4.18) along with a VAT of 21%.

For more information about vehicle inspections in Spain, you can refer to official traffic websites or industry analysis platforms.

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