IU accuses PP and Junts of choosing “uns solidarity and racism” by rejecting immigration law reform

IU accuses PP and Junts of choosing “uns solidarity and racism” by rejecting immigration law reform

Antonio MaĆ­llo, the federal coordinator of IU, has expressed strong criticism towards the actions of the PP, Vox, and Junts, accusing them of choosing “insolidarity and racism” after they rejected a proposed reform of the Immigration Law in Congress. He emphasized that their refusal to consider the reform reflects a significant lack of humanity, regardless of any euphemistic language they might use to disguise their stance.

On Tuesday, during the Congressional session, the People’s Party (PP) successfully blocked the immigration reform, with the backing of Vox and Junts. The voting results showed a total of 349 votes cast, with 171 in favor and 177 against, while UPN opted to abstain.

This decision not only highlights political divisions but also raises crucial questions about the direction of immigration policy and support for vulnerable communities. The debate around immigration continues to be a contentious issue, touching upon broader themes of human rights and social solidarity.

Image and News Source: https://www.infobae.com/espana/agencias/2024/07/24/iu-acusa-a-pp-y-junts-de-decantarse-por-la-insolidaridad-y-el-racismo-al-rechazar-la-reforma-de-la-ley-de-extranjeria/

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