Ivanka Trump breaks silence after father is found guilty in hush money case

Ivanka Trump breaks silence after father is found guilty in hush money case

Ivanka Trump has finally spoken out following her father’s recent criminal indictment, expressing her deep distress over the situation. The former president’s daughter took to Instagram to share her thoughts, breaking her silence nearly 18 hours after a grand jury in Manhattan voted to indict Donald Trump on charges related to hush money payments made to adult film star Stormy Daniels during the 2016 presidential campaign.

“I love my father and I love my country. Today I am pained for both,” Ivanka wrote in her brief statement. She also acknowledged the support and concern expressed by people across the political spectrum.

The indictment marks a historic moment, as Donald Trump becomes the first former or sitting U.S. president to face criminal charges. While the exact nature of the charges remains unclear, reports suggest that Trump is facing over 30 counts related to business fraud. He is expected to appear in court in Manhattan for his arraignment on Tuesday afternoon.

The news of the indictment reportedly caught Trump off guard, as it was announced shortly after the grand jury was said to be taking a break from the case. In response, Trump’s sons, Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr., quickly took to social media to denounce the indictment. Eric Trump described it as “third world prosecutorial misconduct,” while Donald Trump Jr. called it a “weaponization of our government against their political enemies.”

Ivanka, who served as a senior adviser in her father’s administration, remained silent for several hours before releasing her statement. Her brothers, however, were vocal in their defense of their father, with Donald Trump Jr. even comparing the situation to actions taken by historical dictators.

The Manhattan prosecutors’ investigation centers on whether Trump falsified business records to cover up the $130,000 payment made by his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, to Stormy Daniels. The payment was allegedly intended to silence Daniels about an affair she claims to have had with Trump, an allegation he has consistently denied.

Cohen, who has already served time in prison for tax evasion, lying to Congress, and campaign finance violations related to the payments, has been a key figure in the investigation. Both Cohen and Daniels have testified before the grand jury in recent weeks, and Trump was also invited to testify, though he declined.

Ivanka’s statement comes at a time when her family is under intense scrutiny. Her brothers have been actively defending their father, while Ivanka has largely stayed out of the public eye. Her recent Instagram post wishing her youngest son a happy birthday was her first since Trump announced he expected to be arrested.

Ivanka’s decision to break her silence now highlights the emotional toll the indictment is taking on the Trump family. Despite her previous role in her father’s administration, Ivanka has made it clear that she does not plan to be involved in his 2024 presidential campaign, choosing instead to focus on her family.

The indictment has also brought attention to the broader implications for the Trump family and their business dealings. Ivanka has sought to distance herself from her father and brothers in a separate legal case involving the Trump Organization. Her attorney has argued that she should be differentiated from the other Trumps in terms of her role in the company, suggesting that other individuals were responsible for tasks related to her father’s financial statements.

As the legal proceedings continue, the Trump family remains in the spotlight, with Ivanka’s recent statement adding another layer to the unfolding drama. The coming days will likely bring more developments, as Donald Trump prepares to face the charges in court and the family navigates the fallout from this unprecedented situation.

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