Jaime Durán Barba: “It’s too late to field a strong candidate against Trump”

Jaime Durán Barba: “It’s too late to field a strong candidate against Trump”

Jaime Durán Barba pointed out that Joe Biden’s campaign is lacking enthusiasm, while Donald Trump has a knack for turning negative events, such as his recent arrest and assault, into opportunities. He noted that Trump seems to be demonstrating a newfound sense of sensibility and a call for unity, which he did not show before, indicating a degree of maturity. He emphasized the need for dialogue and thoughtful engagement in politics. “Enough with the crazies who only shout, attack, and insult; that accomplishes nothing,” he stated during his appearance on Modo Fontevecchia, on Net TV, Radio Perfil (AM 1190), and Radio Amadeus (FM 91.1).

For a political science professor at George Washington University, the current situation in the U.S. can’t be more captivating. It features a candidate who has been shot, another who resigns, and a new contender that blends Afro and Asian cultures into their identity. The events unfolding in the U.S. are perplexing, particularly when viewed in the context of political happenings in countries like Peru and Argentina.

Durán Barba remarked on how baffling the political climate is and expressed a disheartening impression of Biden’s capability to lead the world’s most powerful nation. He noted that the exercise of professional and critical journalism is essential to democracy, which agitates those who believe they hold the exclusive truth.

Age, he argued, may not be the most impactful factor in this situation; rather, it’s the attitude towards life that stands out. The age difference between Biden and Trump is minimal, yet their approaches are starkly different. He highlighted Trump’s reaction during the attempted assault, likening it to a powerful image of resilience. Trump’s team excels at transforming adversity into opportunity, as demonstrated when they capitalized on his arrest to generate over seven million dollars in merchandise.

Durán Barba also discussed the unique identity represented by attendees at the Republican convention, who wore bandages to symbolize the assault. Trump embodies a tremendous vitality, and his campaign team is adept at responding quickly and energetically. In contrast, Biden’s campaign has been underwhelming, lacking the spark needed to excite supporters. He suggested that Kamala Harris’s entrance into the race could potentially reinvigorate things.

Harris represents a blend of cultures; with a Tamil mother from India and Jamaican ancestry, she captures the essence of a diverse America, reflecting its myriad of races and religions. The political landscape could become even more intriguing with her inclusion, particularly after Biden’s prospects seem grim.

The critical question now is whether anyone, Kamala Harris or otherwise, can effectively challenge Trump. Durán Barba believes it is quite difficult due to the late timing, as the election process in the U.S. is not a single event but a series of state-by-state contests governed by different regulations. Each state selects its representatives independently, meaning a narrow win can still yield all the delegates in most states.

This complexity makes campaigning in the U.S. particularly challenging, as it requires tailored strategies across various states, some of which lean Democrat and others Republican. The environment seems to be shifting, with certain progressive ideas that once gained traction now facing a conservative resurgence.

He also drew parallels with Brazil, where the changing political atmosphere hints that the Lula who returned to power is not the same as the one who previously led. In discussing Trump’s potential return, there is curiosity around whether he will come back more experienced and better equipped or if he will be embittered and vengeful.

Durán Barba observed that Trump’s recent speeches reflect a surprising degree of sensibility, calling for unity among all Americans, regardless of background. This marks a shift from his previously aggressive tone in past campaigns. He expressed hope that Trump might have matured, though he acknowledged Trump’s natural inclination towards aggression.

In the closing remarks, he expressed appreciation for an initiative he recently joined at the new University of Perfil. Committed to advancing political consultancy education, he aims to revive a high-level postgraduate program he created back in 2007, emphasizing the need for more prepared leaders in Argentina. With Durán Barba’s enthusiasm and patriotism, there is optimism for fostering this academic endeavor.

Source: https://www.perfil.com/noticias/modo-fontevecchia/jaime-duran-barba-es-tarde-para-poner-un-candidato-fuerte-contra-trump-modof.phtml

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